My rating: 5 of 5 stars
4.75 Stars
This author, this series (and to be honest, her others as well) are some of my favorites.
I don't agree when people have said that this is mis-named. There were plenty of battles going on through out this book. Granted, they might not all been physical-bloody-sword-wielding battles, but battles they were. Battles, internal in the house, internal to the characters and positions, between the need for protection and the lesser of 2 possible outcomes. Battles of trust and knowledge and fear.
The only things that somewhat annoyed me were that Jewel, or even Finch (to a much lesser degree), had so many descriptions of getting ready (I guess this could be read as gearing up for a battle, in it's own way) that I found the almost a distraction. Almost. As well as the continous repeat of stating where Jewel and her den are from (aka the 25th holding) that, at this point, if the readers aren't concrete in this fact, they are not reading the books. One or two mentions I can understand, especially if spaced far enough apart. Repeating conversations are not my favorite things to read and this novel had several different ones going on. But you can't always get all of your characters into 1 room and give everyone the same details at the same time.
Overall, this book was amazing. I did not want to stop reading it until it was done. I loved how many of the questions in my mind were answered, only to have more come into play. The writing, was descriptive and was able to pull me into the book to experience along with the characters. It was engrossing, the characters are growing more into themselves and their positions.
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