
Another, but different, Dr's Appt

 So yesterday was fun...

I had an pelvic ultrasound, and everything looked good - ovaries, uterus (it's tipped to the back, who knew!) and all that. Then the Dr came in, took a biopsy of my cervix, and to be honest the pain was that of one of my mild to middle type of cramps during my period. It wasn't bad, I didn't even react to it. Mainly because I am used to that type of cramp and in full honestly, I am used to a LOT worse (I wonder if I should do a "put a finger down" TikTok on that??). But it did cause bleeding and I wasn't prepared for that at work AND I was a bit nausea after the appointment. (This made it an easier decision to go home and nap instead of back to work the rest of the day)

Then, they did a Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram, which was a new experience. You could see on the screen pretty easily that I have a polyp. The Dr said this could be causing my heavy ass period bleeding. By heavy, I bleed about 160-195 ml of blood each month - all in about 2 day span - and this does not include any spotting/light period stuff either. The average period is 5-80 ml with 80 ml being heavy.

Suffice it to say, I'm a heavy bleeder.

I told the Dr. I would prefer a more permanent solution, because removing the polyp will LIKELY reduce my bleeding, it won't fix all the other issues going on. I much rather remove the whole package down there if that is possible please. 

He said the biopsy will be back in a couple days, and from what I've read they are usually benign. However, I just had a precancerous polyp in my last colonoscopy, so I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed this one is a plain jane.