You know, some days you just need to say Fuck It.
So, no slim fast this morning. This morning, it's McDonald's all the way. Coffee - Check. Egg McMuffin - Check.
I have been craving it all week. I think my memories and cravings turned it into some divine food of the gods. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it was just an Egg McMuffin. I wonder if it's going to keep me going until lunch the way slim fast has been.
Somehow I gained that lovely 1 lbs back, the little fucker. And since it's Chinese food for dinner tonight, I am going to need to work on exercising this weekend and get over, once and for all, this damn fucking number.
Stupid number
Have I mentioned I hate my job? It pays the most I've ever been paid, but really, it's just not my cup of tea. I'm bored. Bored, not that there isn't things I could be doing (ahem, stupid XML for example) but because it's just not enough. I need something TO DO, that at least requires more of my attention. I don't have ADD or ADHD (gods, definitely not that one - hyper is not me) but if the shit is boring, well the shit is boring. I just need something that's at least interesting. And granted, I have 1 or 2 reports that are interesting to me (ok, I am Data Analyst and I really do like creating reports, slicing and dicing, figuring shit out) but those don't take long.
And it's not just the construction, with it's noises, workers conversations or attempts at singing either.
There seems to be this underlining tension between 2 of my coworkers who I deal with the most. Honestly, that doesn't even bother me, there is always something going on at any work place (whether it's affairs, hatreds, religious crap, competitions or what) - I always try to keep away from that crap, because I just don't give a shit.
Some of it is management, but management is typically a crap shoot anyways. It's a job, I'm happy I'm getting paid (the only happy thought for the moment) but I hope that something else can come along and give me something to do.
Saturday, I might take a drive to West Virginia, just to check out a few things. I have some calls to make, reservations (storage and uhaul) to make so that we can move out stuff out of the FIL's house. I need to cash out my left over 401K as well. Busy bee on Saturday. I want to vacuum the house as well and maybe clean the kitchen. I should charge up my headset so I can talk on the phone while I meander around.
Oh, speaking of kitchens :) I got my new stainless steel pots and pans in :) Quite excited about these, already washed them and cleaned out all the old pans from the cabinets. We even got rid of the wok (it was losing some kind of finishing on it) and so if we ever venture into learning to cook with one again, it will need to be stainless steel as well. But I don't think that will be for a short while, too much shit going on. So, another thing this weekend, will be learning to cook and not burn everything on these :) I've been reading about that, SHOCK I KNOW! and basically low to medium heat, use oil and pay attention to when you're cooking. I can handle that, I hope.
Sunday is one of our anniversary's. See, we got married twice. The first time, was legal and the on the Spring Equinox. The 2nd time was religious (pagan) and for friends/family almost a full year later. Of course, the 2nd one I was also 7 months pregnant which was fun and exhausting. But the date of the month of the 2nd one is earlier than the 1st/legal one. So, did I confuse anyone yet? heehee. We don't usually celebrate both, whichever one has a weekend closest to it.
So, Sunday - I want hibachi and a movie. The movie will probably come first so we can get matinee prices :) We're bring the Brat with us so it will be a fun family day out :^D Thinking of seeing Jack the Giant Killer. Hopefully it's a good movie...
I guess this means I should shave my legs. Ugh.
That's all for now...
Fuck It Friday
Fuck It,
Honey Badger,
Stainless Steel,
Book Review: The Silvered by Tanya Huff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I know I've read Tanya Huff in the past but it's been years. At first, the cover and title drew me to this book and I am really really happy that they did.
This story was absolutely amazing. The lead heroine, Mirian, was quick witted, smart and amazingly resolute. Loved her character. I also loved how the Alpha Mage, Danika, was able to keep her group secure and thinking even in the mist of their own personal hell.
For the male leads, I almost wish so many of them didn't go in the beginning, but that would have changed the story too much. Losing them, really built the rest of what was to happen. And those remaining, Thomas (specifically), was young and fresh but also battle worn and instinctive. He is such a good balance to Mirian, even though a lot of it was frustrating! But in a good way.
I really want to read what happens next. It was heart breaking and inspiring, fast paced and non stop pulling towards the unfolding of events. This was a complicated story with many emotions and moving parts.
Loved it
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Awesome Book,
Book Review,
Fantasy Authors,
Tanya Huff,
The Silvered
Book Review: Dying Bites (The Bloodhound Files #1) by D.D. Barant
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is a unique take on the whole vampire/were/other type of novel. Loved the updated inclusion of golems to boot. In fact, I think one of my favorite characters was the golem, Charlie. For having no real face to speak of, his personality came through quite amazingly.
There is a lot of potential, (which is always good with a 1st book in a series) and I hope that there is more consistency with the next novels. I had a bit of a hard time on how the main character, Jace, was able to just fall right into relationships/life in a completely new universe, parallel or not. Yes, she had struggles adapting but at the same time, not enough.
Some of the other characters, Cassius and Gretchen, seemed ok, and I hope that in the following books in the series their characters get more definition. In this book, the associated positon of the characters vs. personality didn't quite line up.
It kept my interest enough that I do want to read the next book, and hopefully that one leads into another.
View all my reviews
Bloodhound Files,
Book Review,
D.D. Barant,
Dying Bites,
Book Review: The Many Sins of Lord Cameron (Highland Pleasures #3) by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was one of my favorites of the Highland Pleasures series.
It was slightly more complicated in the plot, between the rumors, politics, royal love interests and the life of the ton always keeping tabs. This book felt better paced than the last one.
The twist on how, in this particular case, the man was abused in a relationship was well written. It's not something most people would ever hear of let alone think about. It changes Cameron, all his relationships and views on them, making him more roguish and less at the same time.
At the same time, Ainsley I loved because she was so clear sighted about many things. Not to mention patient.
It's a great series, all of the Mackenzie's brothers are yummy to read about.
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Book Review: Red Country (The First Law World) by Joe Abercrombie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Western themed tied into Epic fantasy - I honestly thought it couldn't be done well. I was wrong. This was amazing. Having read most of Joe Abercrombie's works, I knew he was a great author. This book just reinforced that.
It was gritty, painfully bloody and intense. I felt an itch between my shoulder blades through out the entire thing.
This was solid, stark and great for one you're in one of those moods to just punch someone in the face. Not to mention, it dealt with moral issues, decisions that are not easy and basic determination to get back what's yours and right.
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