
Roller Skating - who knew!!

We had so much fun this weekend. It was a seriously busy weekend, but awesome.

Saturday - we went roller skating. I only fell 3 times. Both knees are bruised. My right wrist does not like me and my ankles have protested enough already. But it was awesome!!! OMG so much fun!! If my skates did not constantly try to make do the splits! Suffice it to say, my inner thighs are also giving me some pains still!! I now want skates. Ahem.

I am hoping to take the Kid skating on Saturday (after my wax appointment) and see how it goes :)

Misophonia and Me


Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", is a rarely diagnosed but common[1] neuropsychiatric disorder in which negative experiences (anger, flight, hatred, disgust) are triggered by specific sounds.[2] The sounds can be loud or soft.[3] The term was coined by American neuroscientists Pawel Jastreboff and Margaret Jastreboff[4]and is often used interchangeably with the term selective sound sensitivity syndrome.[5]

I've made a new page on my blog for future reference :)

People who have misophonia are most commonly angered by specific sounds, such as slurping, throat-clearing, people clipping their nails, brushing their teeth, chewing crushed ice, eating, drinking, breathing, sniffing, talking, sneezing, yawning, walking, chewing gum, laughing, snoring, typing on a keyboard, coughing, humming, whistling, singing; saying certain consonants; or repetitive sounds.[13] Sufferers may experience such physical symptoms as sweating, muscle tension, and even quickened heartbeat. Some are also affected by visual stimuli, such as repetitive foot or body movements, fidgeting, or movement they observe out of the corners of their eyes; this has been termed misokinesia, meaning hatred of movement.[6] Intense anxiety and avoidant behavior may develop, which can lead to decreased socialization. Some people feel the compulsion to mimic what they hear or see.[14] Mimicry is an automatic, non-conscious, and social phenomenon. It has a palliative aspect, making the sufferer feel better. The act of mimicry can elicit compassion and empathy, which ameliorates and lessens hostility, competition, and opposition. There is also a biological basis for how mimicry reduces the suffering from a trigger.[7]

From the Misophonia website: http://www.misophonia.com/symptoms-triggers/

When a person with misophonia is exposed to a sound in their trigger set, it results in an immediate negative emotional response. This response can range from acute annoyance to moderate discomfort or go all the way up to full-fledged rage and panic. Fight or flight reactions are not uncommon. While experiencing a trigger event, a person may become agitated, defensive or offensive, distance themselves from the trigger or possibly act out and express anger or rage at the source of the offending sound.

Yes. Me. Oh my god for so long I just thought I had sensitive ears, that it was just something with me. Not that it's actually a thing, that be explained and understood and worked with. By all the gods, it's such a huge inexplicable relief to know this. There are forums, and facebook groups, with people just like me dealing with this same exact thing. It is still taking my breath away.