
Minor update

I really wish I could have gone to see my son's graduation from BMT. But this crazy coronavirus had other ideas. The AF shut down families coming to visit. And while a lot of parents were seriously distraught, all I could think of, is I rather not see my kid then have the possibility of spreading it around more. You just can't tell who would have it, share it, and then it escalates from there. It's going to be bad enough as it is. I would rather try to avoid it, for me and those I love, than not.I will probably still get it, but hopefully when the curve starts to flatten and medical services aren't as stranded. Not that they are right now, but this thing seems to be quite aggressive.

I have to work on-site 4 hours a day, telework the remaining time. I don't mind it, there are few people here and I am able to actually get more done. So, no arguments from me on that one! House is stocked so far, plus at some point the grocery stores will restock. People are really kinda crazy with this though. I could understand the mass rush for toilet paper if it was a hurricane or snow storm or if the virus made use the bathroom - but people are just somewhere out in left field for some reason.

I think the biggest change for me, still is not having more school to pull me into. I am still figuring out life without that complication! I have noticed having more focus on just about everything.

With my son now at tech school, it has been awesome being able to talk and face time with him. He looks very military and very grown up. And my mind is still slightly blown that my kid is actually an adult and going down a very bright path. Love it. Love him. I am so proud of him, and not just because he passed BMT, but because he is focused and figuring things out. It's honestly a huge relief to see your kid not make bad decisions. I mean, I know we all do make them at some point, but I am thankful it didn't start right out of the gate into adulthood. And it just makes me so happy to see him liking this and doing it. I knew he was capable, I've always known that - but knowing it and then seeing it, it's such a beautiful thing.

OK, time for me to get the next part of my day going :)