You ever get a random thought and decide to do an internet search?
I found out he was a Pvt in the US Army, served in WW 2. He and Grandma got married 9-20-1945 and my Dad was born 6-2-46. He was 28 and Grandma 19 when my Dad was born. Wow.
Born: April 19, 1918, Died December 11, 1984 in Harris, Texas. He was only 66 years old. So young.
He's buried at Houston National Cemetery, plot I478.
We never knew him. I was told that him and my Grandma divorced when my Dad was 2, because he went to jail and she didn't think he would be out anytime soon. That was in 1948 for perspective. I have no idea if that's true. But I kinda think it is, because the man she married after him, I was told, was abusive and she was with him for a long time (until he passed I think). She was a stay at home mom, who did genealogy for about 30 years and published a book on it before she passed. She was married a total of 3 times. I only met her like 5 times while growing up.
I know we have traits that get passed down, and it's wild/weird when you do something or look like someone and have never known them or anyone on that side of the family. It's a bit of a, 'where did this come from', and you won't know due to situations like this.
I've always wondered if he had another family or more kids or was at least happy in his life. From what I know, he didn't remarry or have more kids. I hope he was able to be happy and enjoy what years he was alive.