

Story Time!

I get into my office and see that there are mouse droppings on my desk. Gross, but not the end of the world. I clear my desk off and clean it. It looks almost like new. It seems I had also left a toothpick behind and it chomped on that a bit as well. Otherwise, I don't see or hear anything so I go about my morning, doing work and whatnot. A couple hours go by and I go to my bag to get something...and see a brown little mouse face staring at me! I FREAK AND FLING MY BAG. I take a couple breaths and know I can't ignore this. So. I gather my bag up and cautiously look inside and it's just sitting there, staring me some more. I decide to just dump the whole bag outside and hope it doesn't mind. 

Right outside my area, is a picnic table, which is perfect for this de-mousing. It was cold and windy out, but sunny in general. I put the bag on the table and start to open it up (it's one of those drawstring types of openings) and literally, this mouse LEAPT THE FUCK OUT, FLYING FOR ITS FREEDOM! ahahahahahahaha. OMG I have never seen such a thing and I was cracking up.

I still dumped my bag, and I really don't carry a lot of stuff with me in general. Sadly, the only victim in this story was my peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had made that morning. It got a couple bites in before I found it, so hopefully that was able to tide it over until it found something more suitable.

I told my coworkers about this (we are in logistics and mouse/snakes/bugs aren't uncommon in a lot of locations) and one coworker commented how it must have needed that toothpick after it ate the peanut butter. I agreed, it was the crunchy kind after all :)


Edging to closer to holidays!

 Next week is Thanksgiving. It's one of the first time in the last few years that we are not going to my BF's parents house - but it's due to Covid-19 and honestly I much rather not be responsible for someone else getting sick and potentially dying. So. This means I am cooking a bit more and only for about 3 people. I am happy my niece will be there! I am actually looking forward to a quieter holiday season. I am not spending as much money on other people, just trying to calm down my poor credit card debt (I can't help but laugh, because I freaking love to shop). 

And seriously, I am missing my kid something fierce. He is still stuck at his tech school, waiting to head to his FDS. Hopefully he gets to head to that before Xmas. I miss his hugs so much. Oy.

We got the bathroom painted - I will try to get pics uploaded soon. Planning on getting the dinning room, foyer and living room done this holiday season if possible. I don't honestly want to even think about the kitchen, that one seems like a bitch and half...maybe if it's clean enough it can pass? Upstairs, the 2 bedrooms should be easy enough to paint. What it really is, is all the freaking prep work. The cleaning, taping off, cutting in, etc. 

But, as I keep reminding myself, it will be worth it. I want to downsize my house/home. I would like a rancher in the future and preferably a house not as big. It's just me and Mike in the foreseeable future. His kids are almost all grown, mine is adulting in awesome ways. And I can pay off majority of my debts with the sale of the house. All good stuff. 

The future beckons. Good, happy options are available. I am excited about moving towards that :)

But first! Thanksgiving! Then Yule and Christmas and then New Years. So much going on!! Well, ok, sorta - because, again, Covid is not a friend and it's been getting worse and what's going on is all inside my house hahahahaha.