
And another one bites the dust

Here is a lovely look at the this incredibly annoying oriental grass that is no longer in my back yard.

Where it used to be in my back yard - between the sunflower and this other flowering bush that I have no idea of what it is.

Flowers and Trees part 2

My sunflowers are seriously growing :) This one below, is over 6' now!! WOW

I can't wait until they actually flower!!


I am pretty sure this is another crape myrtle - and we're pretty sure about 1/2 of it died. We're in the process of removing those limbs and branches that are dead so that new growth can take over. Of course, we are also pruning off some of those crazier/wilder branches as well.

Now that it's finally starting to flower, it really helps to see what survived and what didn't. I do love the softer pink of this tree :)