[an-uh-mos-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural an·i·mos·i·ties.
a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action: a deep-seated animosity between two sisters; animosity against one's neighbor.
1400–50; late Middle English animosite (< Middle French ) < Late Latin animōsitās. See animus, -ose1 , -ity
1400–50; late Middle English animosite (< Middle French ) < Late Latin animōsitās. See animus, -ose1 , -ity
hostility, unfriendliness, opposition, antagonism, animus, hatred.
hostility, unfriendliness, opposition, antagonism, animus, hatred.
1. the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
3. the result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; percept.
4. Psychology . a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.
Related forms
per·cep·tion·al, adjective
non·per·cep·tion, noun
non·per·cep·tion·al, adjective
re·per·cep·tion, noun
self-per·cep·tion, noun
1. awareness, sense, recognition.
1. awareness, sense, recognition.
[pri-rog-uh-tiv, puh-rog-] Show IPA
1. an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like: the prerogatives of a senator.
2. a right, privilege, etc., limited to a specific person or to persons of a particular category: It was the teacher's prerogative to stop the discussion.
3. a power, immunity, or the like restricted to a sovereign government or its representative: The royal prerogative exempts the king from taxation.
5. having or exercising a prerogative.
6. pertaining to, characteristic of, or existing by virtue of a prerogative.
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin praerogātīvus (adj.) voting first, praerogātīva (noun use of feminine of adj.) tribe or century with right to vote first. See pre-, interrogative
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin praerogātīvus (adj.) voting first, praerogātīva (noun use of feminine of adj.) tribe or century with right to vote first. See pre-, interrogative
thorough treatment of the topic
ReplyDeleteYes, might need a bit more added to it ;)