
Monday Madness

So, yes I posted a slew of pictures of the vacation without a lot of details. Honestly, my brain is still slightly dumbfounded I went on a cruise in the first place, visited other countries in the 2nd place and is processing things somewhat slowly. I promise I will extract some good and fun details and put those words to screen for your hopefully reading pleasure.

What's been going on since, you may wonder? Let's see...We had Yule. The Kid was spoiled. We had Christmas, the Kid was annoyed and mean. He's at this age, almost a teenager, that hormones are ramping up, life is throwing stuff at him (aka, his parents getting divorced) bullies at school, issues in one class - yep, he's been a wee bit cranky with all this stuff going on. But he's still awesome and I still love him no matter what. I do tell him that I don't love his bad attitude. It's a process, we are all learning. I am sure we're all making mistakes (and learning from those too). Christmas day we went to the movies, saw that Dinosaur one (which he loved) and had breakfast at IHOP. That morning was the drama. Kids, it's all about them. And of course, they know everything. And you, the parent, are always wrong. Such joy this whole thing is!!!

I've had a couple itty bitty mice at the house in the past. I am fairly sure Daisy killed them both. I've seen one small brown one outside. Daisy was watching it one afternoon and I noticed, so I silently opened the door and she crept out and snatched it! She then attempted to bring it BACK IN THE HOUSE! Oh hells no! So I freaked her out and she dropped the still ALIVE mouse, she jumped inside, it ran for it's life. Hopefully the mouse now realizes we have a mouser and will eat it (or at least play with it until it dies more likely) and won't venture onto my back porch again. I've since then take to feeding the stray cat usually away from the house, more in the back yard. Unless it's raining or snowing, then it's the back porch. This stray, if he could come in he totally would. But, that is NOT happening!!

I've started a puzzle. I need to clean off my dining room table and move it there I think. The coffee table is just not going to cut it. Now, cleaning off the dining room table? Yikes, that will be fun.

I did not get done everything I wanted to get done this past weekend. Again, I seem to have difficulty actually doing things when the Kid is at his Dad's. I was just, eh - for most the weekend. Sunday was a lot better though. Huge difference. I did get some shopping done on Saturday morning before I shut myself inside. Old Navy was having this *awesome* sale. I was able to get 4 pairs of pants (2 size 14 and 2 size 12), a pair of jeans and 2 shirts. Also went to Pier 1 since they were having an after Christmas sale as well. And of course, PetSmart, because I needed some more stuff for the kitties.

Also, I think Puck is having some more kidney issues :( He's been acting a little bit off again and he pee'd again outside the box. Other than that, he's ok. Still happy to sleep on soft blankets, get treats and petted. He's eating and drinking like normal. Some days are just not as good as others. I am still in the 'wait and see' phase with him.

Oh and back to that previous thought. I think I am going to do another load of laundry tonight, fold the whites still in the dryer and THEN re-organize my bookcases! Did I mention that the most awesomeness of awesome made me some mini shelves (like the ones I have from IKEA) so that I can double up my softback books on 1 shelf? No? because, he did and and it's, ahem, awesome :) THEN I will see if I can clean up the dining room table. I think at some point I need to figure out a better way to store my hats and scarves. I guess I should do my filing too. I have to get my title of the car moved over to my name as well. And mail a package to my BFF in FL. And I need to take my now boxed up holiday decorations into the attic. And vacuum upstairs.

Well, damn! Hopefully I can get half this shit done and then nibble away at the rest of it :)

All in all, though - I'm happy :) The Kid is working on being happy. Life is moving forward in positive ways :) A new year is starting soon :)

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