With these amazing socks!!
On the left are Smartwool and the right one is Darn Tough (it has a life time guarantee, who knew!) I had originally got a pair of pretty purple/gray Smartwool socks when I got my new winter boots. I had worn said socks with those boots but I had thought it was the boots keeping my feet deliciously warm. I did really like the socks though and had decided to get a couple more pairs.
I wore my boots last week with my normal not so smart or tough socks, and my my tootsies were just a tad bit chilled and not as happy!! Today, I am wearing my normal sketchers and a pair of Darn Tough socks - my feet are seriously happy. I mean, they are fucking socks for crying out loud!! Right now I have the 3 pairs and I think I will be able to survive the remains of winter with them. However, I am seriously contemplating WHICH pair I want to buy next. They are pretty expensive, especially for socks! because they typically run $15-$25 a pair (OUCH). I usually try to find things when they are on sale (thus my hunt will ensue until next winter I think) to save money.
Oh and another thing that is completely awesome? They are size Medium. You see, this is the FIRST thing (so so very sad) that I've bought and fits perfect and is a MEDIUM. Large is normal, XL sometimes depending on who made what. But Medium?? Medium?? Nope! And it's just so awesome I am grinning just thinking about it!
Ok, moving on from the awesomeness of socks!
Friday, I dropped the Kid off at his Dad's. Didn't do a lot Friday night. Saturday morning, I cleaned, did laundry, organized my closet, finally hung up a curtain in my Library so that I didn't have a sheet there anymore, put the Xmas stuff in the attic, organized my jewelry box and yes I did order another thing to store my rings in, and that night had a Wiccan/Divination group meeting in Williamsport. It was pretty awesome. Also finally got the mirror hung up. It's so nice to not having it leaning against the wall and leaving marks on it!!
Sunday was a good day :) Got to sleep in which was nice!! Breakfast was yummy :) The day was good. I picked up the Kid at 6 pm and he didn't want to leave his dad's. Which actually is a good thing. I know that it can be really hard, this whole divorce thing, and I am very happy the Kid is happy at both places. That is very very important.
This week is going to be busy in a lot of ways. Speaking of which, work is definitely busy today! I need more coffee!!
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