I haven't been to a water park in probably 2 decades. The last time was when I was a teenager and went to White Water Rapids in Southern California. AGES AGO!! So, going on this water roller coasters was pretty damn fun. I don't think I screamed, laughed and just had this much fun in gods know how long!! The really nice things about this one is that it's for those who are staying at the hotel only, so it's not open to the public. This is nice because you don't have really long lines for the rides AND you don't feel over crowded.
The Kid - Well he's never done this type of thing before. I think he had some fun. He really didn't want to go on any of the big slides but I am hoping that he will next time :) Oh yes, there will be a next time :) He did have a lot of fun dumping water on other people (me included). He was still a bit of a whiney teenager pain in the arse part of the time, but that's all about growing up I think.
The drive wasn't bad at all. Though it's a really good idea to plan out your music (that is, what you're in the mood to hear) before hand. I had set aside some CD's to take with us, but completely forgot them. Not the end of the world by any means, just something to think about. Oh and don't do the buffet unless you are a going to feed a starving nation of children, because, seriously it's not worth the money unless you get a couple plates of food, each.
Lucky me got my period right before we left. So the cruise did change my schedule. Ugh. Still, could have been worse! Could have happened during the drive and not have been prepared. That would have sucked the fun out through my pores.
Last night, I did laundry and some chores and then watched TV. Nothing exciting, still trying to adjust to being back to normal life! I did work on my puzzle though too. This is one I'm working on right now - you might have to click the link to go to Amazon to get a better view of it.
Saturday night I have a Wicca type meeting, it's all about tarot and things of that nature, so I am looking forward to that :) During the day I am going to check out Home Depot paints and get pricing from them for my shower.
And is it horrible that I just got an email from See's Candies about free shipping and I am seriously contemplating ordering because I love their chocolate ??
Ok, I need a nap and some more hot tea and maybe some form of chocolate.
And how is it, that I weighed myself this morning and was 216, but my size 14 jeans are loose enough I can wear my cuddle duds under them comfortably? Bloated. More than likely. Stupid PMS. I am taking vitamins again though, which should help with my hormones. I got a blend this time to see if that helps vs. taking a bunch of different things. Oh and I was wearing 12's again and yep, those fit me best right now :) YAY!!
Almost forgot, tonight I am doing my Tai Chi video too. It's gonna be a busy night!
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