I think we plan on taking the kids next year :) It's just so nice to get out and walk and eat amazing food and see really incredible costumes and people in character. We did watch the Joust, it was very entertaining! Oh and we sat and listened to a group of 2 bagpipe players and 2 drummers. Yes, I bought their CD. Yes, if anyone wants to listen/borrow it, you can :) They are called the Tartanics and they were pretty damn good!!
We will be heading to the Maryland Renaissance Festival soon too, with the kids. They had a good time at it last year and I am sure they will love it again this year.
Saturday night we watched The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It was pretty damn good :) But jeez, those movies are long!! We had to take an intermission :) Oh and I totally skipped watching any scene that had a spider in it. Thank you very much, I much prefer no nightmares!!
Sunday, it was drying the sunflowers and then off to my house. Which really wasn't exciting. I cleaned. Swept, mopped, laundry, bathroom downstairs. Ugh. I need a nap just thinking about that! Started cleaning up my dining room table. Want to get filing done this week and also start working on my office.
I need to write myself a to do list for this week, it seems those keep me on track!!
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