Can I just say that the weather changing, even if it has caused my allergies to go hay wire, has been awesome. I am loving the warmth of the sun and the blooms of the flowers.
I'm excited to do yard work, turn the earth and plant some herbs or veggies.
Also, I am back to red hair. I tried bleaching it, going blue and attempted purple, which just made it overall this cool gray/silver color with some leftover blue roots and some purple highlights. Interesting, but a bit off. Now that it's red again, I need a bit of a shorter style.
Classes are still going. Almost one with the current class, and I will have a week off before the next one starts. What is new is this summer I am taking 2 classes, with a month overlap, not my typical MO. I will be graduating in the spring of 2020 and I am definitely excited for that!
My kid is doing amazing. Mostly A's and B's, he's about to turn 18 and then graduate. I am so damn proud of him. He has a job lined up until he is processed with the Air Force (fingers crossed on that). He is just a good kid, and I am so happy he's made some good decisions and is thinking about his future, even if he is clueless on what that is as of yet. Who has a clue at 18?? Very very few and even then it can change pretty rapidly and easily. He's been lucky in some things, but I am just happy with how much he's matured in the last couple of years. It's so nice to see the person you love and have taught and guided and helped to develop into a person you are proud of and want in your life. That does not always happen.
In other news, I still have this amazing boyfriend that I absolutely am in love with and super happy to still be with. It's going on 6 years soon and that is pretty damn amazing :)
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