I don't like this soup. Maybe it's the PMS stuff going on. I don't even know anymore.
Yesterday, I had eggs for breakfast, normal just scrambled eggs with a sliver of cheese. I was full for 4 hours. Lunch, I eat what's left of this turmeric chicken salad I fucked up (maybe 1/3 a cup) and 2 cups of the soup. For real, within an hour - I AM STARVING! I was in the mist of a food panic almost, where I just wanted everything I can see. And granted, I am capable of self restraint and I used that, I wasn't out of control. I just felt like I was. And oh, I cheated so hard too, almonds, raw cookie dough, more almonds, alcohol to boot. It was insane how hungry I was feeling though! I mean, what causes this? Is it the swiss chard? Because I have never really used that before in cooking. Does it need more salt? What is it?????
Dinner, I did not eat soup. Instead, we had chicken with rice (and corn mixed in). And look at that, I was full and not in some kind of rampage of starvation mode. And it wasn't like I ate a ton of it either.
Why does it make me so damn hungry??
Granted, it must work somehow because even with all the stupid ass cheating, I am still losing weight. I've lost 4.2 lbs so far this week.
And I still had a glass of wine last night.
Today, I've brought soup (and a salad and left overs from last night) for lunch. I added a 1/2 tsp of soy sauce to the soup, thinking maybe it's salt/magnesium or something that I need to not want to starve after. If that helps, good. If not, at least it will be tastier.
This shit is crazy.
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