
Happy Anniversary and thoughts in general

 It has been 9 years since me and my bf had our first date. It's wild just how much has happened, which of course is life in general but I don't think we always think about the future of things. 

Like how my son is an adult, in the military is old enough to drink! Holy Fuck!! I've bought and sold a house. Had 4 cats, now 2. Multiple vacations, drama/family situations, death of my Dad and brother. Covid. Just, I don't even know how to take everything in and just breath for a moment and then refocus on the rest of the future.

I'm very happy with not getting married again. Having a life partner is amazing enough. 

I have no idea what the future will be. So much is still, not quite in flux per se, but more of this whole "wait and see" stage. My niece is having a baby, his youngest is not focused on doing anything that requires a job/moving out of her moms house, the market for housing is stupid (as it is for cars!) and I think I want a different job in the next year or so. There are a lot of options and pathways and I feel like right now it's a holding pattern. 

And I have a hard time holding said pattern I think. Not horribly so, but I just want some kind of forward direction that isn't vague as shit. I mean, yes, I could give myself some hard points of direction...and I am starting to plan that out to a degree. But at the same time, I don't want to fuck something up just because I'm annoyed or impatient. 

I am still losing weight, now more slowly (which is fine by me). I have another surgery scheduled for December so I know there is that to consider. Holidays/birthdays/birth coming up. So I know that part of things is just letting them figure themselves out a little bit. I guess, I just feel this - tug - to DO SOMETHING. I just don't quite know what that something is. 

I love my boyfriend. I am happy with the majority of our relationship. I am looking forward to living life more fully. I just don't know what means in all it's glory.

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