So, I have been using Soft Cups for a while now, about 3 years or so and was on the fence about going the route of the Diva Cup (or something similar). I saw a post in one of the PCOS groups I'm part of on facebook and finally moved the item from my saved for later list to the cart and checked out. It arrived 2 days before my period started (score!).
One cool thing I did not realize is that it has measurements on the size, ml and ounces. Which then made me turn to Google to see how much the average women bleeds during her period. The answer, typically 30 ml (1 ounce) but can range from 10 to 80 ml. So, when I filled up the cup (15 ml) the 1st day, I was like - damn! Add another almost 7.5 (ok, let's say 7.5 ml due to all spillage, leakage, etc) for the hours after work and before bed, because I had changed it out again, before the cup was in for the night. I had almost another full 15 ml again this morning. DAMN. So, my normal period in the first 24 hours is MORE as the average woman's 5 day period! No fucking wonder I get so tired!!!
Now yesterday, day 1, I did drink a lot of my Moon Day tea and Organic Ginger tea (3 cups of each). They both are really good for flushing your system and helping your uterus out. I will be doing the same today. My periods are usually about 3 days long now. Which is a lot shorter than they were in the past. No need to go into all those gory details!
Because of PCOS, I take Pregnitude (and no, I am not TTC (trying to conceive) I am pretty sure that ship sailed!!) because it comes in this nice little packets that contain 2 grams of Myo-Inositol. I take 2 packets a day. Sometimes 1 at a time and sometimes both at once.
From my pcos-information-herbs-and-supplements page:
Myo-Inositol " Encourges Ovulation in women with absent or irregular menstrual cycles with PCOS. Decreases Leptin, and helps with Wieght loss in PCOS. Improves Mood, and can help depression according to studies. It is really good for your liver. Helps hirsutism. Decreases androgens. Helps Insulin Resistance. Decreases acne. Lowers total and free testosterone levels. Improves quality of eggs."
For me, I take it for the mood, liver (I have a fatty liver, stupid body), IR and helps with my minor hisutism (and by minor, I mean that I pluck every day let's say 10 little stupid hairs off my neck/upper lip/chin or wherever facial area). I have not experienced any weight loss with this. But I REALLY like it. I am not some angry pissed off freak of a monster with hormones raging all through me. Yay no jail time ;)
I also take progesterone cream - "can help to supplement your body’s own progesterone levels and lead you back to a state of natural balance."
Because those of us with PCOS are typically LOW on this. Ha, Google low progesterone and PCOS and you will see a lot of info out there.
One of the things I've read is that it helps your uterine lining shed more, which is important because a thick uterine wall is one of those "things" that gets associated with cancer. And with my family genetics, I need to be aware of shit like that. My grandmother on my Dad's side had Ovarian cancer.
So I am happy to know how much I am shedding, at least to some degree, by using this Diva cup. Of course, I could still have a thick wall but some things I just can't help. I know that when I was about 19 I saw an OBGYN for a pap and she had said my was thicker than normal, like I had already had a kid (which was a negative in that!) and I've always remembered that comment because I thought it was a bit unusual.
I have this learning curve with the Diva cup, which I knew would happen. As long as I can get this thing down either this cycle or the next one or 2 I will be happy. It's a better long term solution for my period and better for the environment. No major leakage thankfully, just minor tweaks so far.
I seem to rotate what I am taking for my PCOS, depending on what I need at that moment...and also because it's good to change things up every now again, you know, get off that plateau and shift the scenery.
Oh and did you know? That when you get a cramp during your period, it's your uterus contracting, like it does in childbirth? Uh huh. I get back pains with my period as well as cramps and it wasn't until last night that I realized, NO WONDER I had back labor with my son!! Ahahahahahaha. I knew cramps were muscles, well, cramping, but for whatever reason I didn't think of my uterus doing gymnastics was my period as such.
Love this song!
"White Winter Hymnal"
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in summertime
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime
I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow, and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries in summertime
White Winter Hymnal
A wee little update...
Its been quite a while!
Hmmm...maybe a bullet list would be the best way to get things up to date:
Also, I have this love affair with music. One of my favorites right now is Pentatonix - I have 3 of their albums and yes ok they are all the holiday music ones, what can I say :)
Here's a sample of incredibly fucking talented!!
Hmmm...maybe a bullet list would be the best way to get things up to date:
- Took the kids bowling with my awesome bf. My kid didn't have a lot of fun. I think part of that was not knowing which arm to use for it and because he rather look/play better than he did. He's a lefty and sometimes you can use that or your right hand, everyone is different...I know my Dad is a lefty but plays tennis with his right.
- I had a ton of fun though
- Life is busy:
- Band Booster Fundraiser
- Cleaning house
- Work has been kicking my ass for the most part
- Life in general!!
- Holidays
- Thanksgiving was awesome
- Spent it with the bf's family, who are like him = awesome
- Went black Friday shopping = wow
- Yes, I will be paying off my credit card for another year - YIKES
- Also I gained like 2-3 lbs. Good food :) I will lose it by the end of the year I hope!
- Signed up for 2 more college classes
- Tested and all homework completed, so far in this class I have a B, which I am totally happy with!
- I now have the supplies I need to make my own deodorant, which I plan to do this week :)
- I am Amazon's bitch, it's mostly how I do my holiday shopping it seems
- I live in a great neighborhood - nothing has been stolen off my porch yet :)
- Apple Cider Vinegar is great for helping you stay healthy and not catch whatever people have at work!! So is Oil of Oregano :)
- Oh I do need to make some more chicken stock soon :)
- We had a day of snow! Nothing worth shoveling, but it was beautiful
- We've caught up to Walking Dead season 5. We've only missed a few episodes of that, should be caught up soon.
- I really don't watch a ton of TV anymore or read as much...but I love that the things I do watch and read are always with my boyfriend :)
- The Christmas tree is up, decorated. Lights are on the house :) It's amazing and wonderful to be able to do that and I just love owning a home :)
- Yes we celebrate Yule more than Christmas, but I love the season and the good things that it can bring in out everyone :)
- Just finished off another scarf :) I am now in the process of making a basket :) Oh and I have like 3 more scarves to do. I love it though :)
- Still very happy I am not smoking!
And most of all, I have absolutely incredible boyfriend and awesome son :) Could not ask for better!!
Also, I have this love affair with music. One of my favorites right now is Pentatonix - I have 3 of their albums and yes ok they are all the holiday music ones, what can I say :)
Here's a sample of incredibly fucking talented!!
Black Friday,
The Weekend Updates
Friday, as part of a something or another for work, we went bowling. That is, my coworkers and me. Now, you have got to understand, it's been something like 15-25 years since I've last bowled.
First game = 78
Second game = 138
Third game = 90 I think, it might have been higher, I was more concerned with walking and not falling by the end of that game
It was a lot of fun. I really had an awesome time :)
However. I was lucky I was walking Saturday morning. My left knee thinks I am trying to kill it. I ended up straining my ass muscle (read: hamstring) and my right elbow seemed to complain the least but it still mumbled at me. The only reason I was walking, I think, is Tiger Balm. That shit is awesome. I smeared it all over my ass, knee and arm. Several times. And sat on the couch with my feet up watching TV. Because when I did walk? It was this pathetic mewling shuffling type of walk I would get laughed at if anyone saw it!
Suffice it to say I did not do yard work or house work or really anything much this weekend. Such is life. I am not stressing over that stuff though :)
Saturday, I was able to finish up my homework and get that posted :)
Sunday I took the Kid to see Big Hero 6 - It Was Awesome!
Afterwards, it was grocery shopping, putting food away and pretending to think about maybe doing something around the house. Oh, I did a load of laundry. Well, it's something I suppose!
First game = 78
Second game = 138
Third game = 90 I think, it might have been higher, I was more concerned with walking and not falling by the end of that game
It was a lot of fun. I really had an awesome time :)
However. I was lucky I was walking Saturday morning. My left knee thinks I am trying to kill it. I ended up straining my ass muscle (read: hamstring) and my right elbow seemed to complain the least but it still mumbled at me. The only reason I was walking, I think, is Tiger Balm. That shit is awesome. I smeared it all over my ass, knee and arm. Several times. And sat on the couch with my feet up watching TV. Because when I did walk? It was this pathetic mewling shuffling type of walk I would get laughed at if anyone saw it!
Suffice it to say I did not do yard work or house work or really anything much this weekend. Such is life. I am not stressing over that stuff though :)
Saturday, I was able to finish up my homework and get that posted :)
Sunday I took the Kid to see Big Hero 6 - It Was Awesome!
Sunday night we finally finished watching Season 3 of the Walking Dead. Love this show. Can NOT wait to start watching season 4. Sometime this week I think. Hopefully.
This is a busy week. I need to get my college parking permit, take a test for chapters 1-6 at school, do 3 class assignments, have a band boosters meeting (which means I need to do the finances for that) and clean around the house. And can you fucking believe it's getting close to Thanksgiving?? YIKES!!
I am working on cooking more home meals, trying new things out :) Love love love cooking :) Especially when it tastes good! I need to ship some stuff out, have been sitting on stones for a couple friends for an eternity it seems like! Ha, I already need to plan out when to make more chicken stock, that stuff was awesome and it's almost gone!
Oh and PMS is just around the corner. Bleh.
Big Hero 6,
House and Home,
Walking Dead,
Braces update
So. The orthodontist said he will get braces in the summer of 2016 and have jaw surgery when he's 18 years old. Need to wait until his jaw fully grows in. He will probably have braces for about 2 years after the surgery, but who knows.
Good news. Nothing has to happen right away :)
Good news. Nothing has to happen right away :)
Braces and Grades
Good gods, my poor Kid is going have way too much fun at the orthodontist.
Took him to get his teeth cleaned. Dentist asked to speak with me afterwards (no cavities, but getting his 12 year molars sealed).
1. He asked when he's getting braces and jaw surgery, because it's bad bad bad.
* I was like, starting when he's 15 according to what was said last year.
B. He contacted the orthodontist to get a copy of his x-rays, because he might need them sooner.
+. I was told he will be in for a long haul, not just 2 year braces.
4. The orthodontist called me, so now have an appt to get his teeth x-ray'd again this Thursday.
E. I asked to know if it's going to happen sooner, since the Ex and I will need the Kid on both insurances to help cover the cost of this.
My poor kid :( I do not wish this on him. It will be probably 4 years of braces. Yikes. Oww.
I did talk to the Ex about this too, he said it's from his side because he has a narrow jaw and very similar issues. Lovely.
I met with his teachers (Yes, the Ex was there) and it was basically - the Kid does not do the work. Everyone else does, just not him. He's failing 3 classes and not really trying in math. He could have all A's, but he is just not caring or putting in the effort.
I went home afterwards, had words with him, and then voted. Words, you know, things like.
You will not put your head down in class
Stop all this Timothy shit (he likes to call people Timothy and he thinks it's cool)
No more buying artwork from your friend, if you do, I will shred it.
You will do all your homework, I will help.
You will pay attention.
You know, those little things...
I tried taking all his stuff away. Didn't really work. Tried grounding him. Didn't work. I've talked and talked and talked. I can talk until I am blue but if the other person is not listening, there is no point.
So...we're cleaning his room this weekend. I think it might need a bit deeper cleaning than he thinks, so will see how it goes.
Right now, it looks like this
It's not horrible. But I think we need to make some changes.
Took him to get his teeth cleaned. Dentist asked to speak with me afterwards (no cavities, but getting his 12 year molars sealed).
1. He asked when he's getting braces and jaw surgery, because it's bad bad bad.
* I was like, starting when he's 15 according to what was said last year.
B. He contacted the orthodontist to get a copy of his x-rays, because he might need them sooner.
+. I was told he will be in for a long haul, not just 2 year braces.
4. The orthodontist called me, so now have an appt to get his teeth x-ray'd again this Thursday.
E. I asked to know if it's going to happen sooner, since the Ex and I will need the Kid on both insurances to help cover the cost of this.
My poor kid :( I do not wish this on him. It will be probably 4 years of braces. Yikes. Oww.
I did talk to the Ex about this too, he said it's from his side because he has a narrow jaw and very similar issues. Lovely.
I met with his teachers (Yes, the Ex was there) and it was basically - the Kid does not do the work. Everyone else does, just not him. He's failing 3 classes and not really trying in math. He could have all A's, but he is just not caring or putting in the effort.
I went home afterwards, had words with him, and then voted. Words, you know, things like.
You will not put your head down in class
Stop all this Timothy shit (he likes to call people Timothy and he thinks it's cool)
No more buying artwork from your friend, if you do, I will shred it.
You will do all your homework, I will help.
You will pay attention.
You know, those little things...
I tried taking all his stuff away. Didn't really work. Tried grounding him. Didn't work. I've talked and talked and talked. I can talk until I am blue but if the other person is not listening, there is no point.
So...we're cleaning his room this weekend. I think it might need a bit deeper cleaning than he thinks, so will see how it goes.
Right now, it looks like this
It's not horrible. But I think we need to make some changes.
Just random things
I am so ready for a vacation! I know I just had a mini one not too long ago, but I think I need a longer one LOL. I don't know...maybe I will try to take one for a few days during the week or something. Or just wait for a good snow storm and use vacation to not go in.

Did I already blog about that? I don't even remember.
Well, it's time to get the laundry out of the dryer and folded, feed Tiamet her pill and head off to dreaming happy dreams :)
And today, it was beautiful out! OMFG, 80 freaking degrees! It's almost Samhain! I mean, wasn't it last year (or the year before??) we had that snow on Halloween?? I hope it's not some predictor of a mean winter.
I got my hair cut on Saturday. It's not a typical cut I suppose. I kept my bangs long but the back is layered short. I might like it. I think. I really need to dye it, but I forgot to get some gloves and there is no way I am going to dye my hair without gloves. So, I painted my nails instead :)
I think I need to bake some cookies this week. I plan on attempting to make biscuits this weekend :) And gravy. Because, you know, southern biscuits go extremely well with gravy :)
I am ahead on my homework right now. I think I have a unit test coming up which I need to study for. I should probably get a parking sticker for campus. I need to sign up for 2 classes in December. I should probably put that on my calendar so I don't forget.
Lots of probably's and shoulds and thinks going on it seems.
Work is good. Yay for that!!
Tiamet, she's 13. Took her to the vet a few weeks ago. Her thyroid is now under control, I have to give her meds every day. But of course, the thyroid meds are now causing her to have mild kidney disease. Which would typically require special food or meds for that. Can't afford more cat meds and special food? Well, I have to other cats that eat too damn much and that food is 1: Not for them and 2: Expensive :( What concerns me with this is that I had to put down her brother in January because his kidneys failed :( So. Keeping an eye on her.
Still on the cat topic, I am feeding 1.5 strays. 1 is a for sure stray, the other I think is the neighbors cat that lives mostly outside. I call him Killer (neighbors cat), because he killed and ate a rabbit in my backyard. Sweet cat, normal cat tendencies for sure. Killer is an orange and white tabby. The stray is a tuxedo and he's been slowly warming up to me. I am such a softy it seems. Well, at least when it comes to cats!! But a little food and milk is not the end of the world with that!! :)
I am excited winter is here. I am super excited for Friday since it's Samhain and we tend to get a lot of trick or treaters :) I hope I got enough candy. Well, naughty me keeps nibbling at it, oppsie. Stupid kit kats are yummy!! I am going to see about getting my fire pit out and do that for a little bit too.
Tomorrow we are going to carve up some pumpkins. I need to get another 1 or 2 for that. The Kid has one here, just waiting.
Oh I bought this awesome ice cube tray :) Love it!!
Did I already blog about that? I don't even remember.
Well, it's time to get the laundry out of the dryer and folded, feed Tiamet her pill and head off to dreaming happy dreams :)
It's been too long!
Life has been busy, good things to be sure, but wow, long time and now write!!
Let's see - The kid is in a Parade this weekend, so hopefully that will go well.
School is taking up my time, not too shocking that. I am going to try for 2 classes Spring semester and see how that goes. I am doing this slowly, increasing my class size or not (as the case may be) to see what my real threshold is for balancing school and life.
I'm tired. I feel like that since I was sick a couple weeks ago I am still trying to get back to some form of a normal routine. I am happy it's getting colder, just because I am inside more - which means getting more around the house done again.
We did get the front patch of yard set up for winter. Weeds pulled and put a layer of this material that's supposed to keep them from growing. I need to get some larger size stones to make the spiral I want though. Or make them with quikrete.
I actually saw gas below $3.00 the other day. I was in a state of shock. I even took a pic of that! The $2.85 on the right is for regular unleaded.
Also, I am not going to order out Chinese anymore. I really do end up gaining like 2-3 lbs every damn time I eat it and it takes me days to get my back to normal. So very sad. It's probably the high sodium or something, but damn. Just not worth it right now. I have been getting better about not eating out as much, guess I just need to tone it done a bit more!!
The Kid is failing 3 classes. Very frustrating. Oh and the reason why? he doesn't feel like doing the work. Seriously. We've had conversations. Let's hope he was listening.
I am thinking of actually shopping on Black Friday. Scary that. I want to get some stuff for the house though, and that might be a smart way to get them. I want a room heater for my bedroom. Because even with carpet, the floor is cold!!
I need more sleep.
Ohhh, so I slightly re-organized my living room. I moved my cedar trunk to the library and then swapped places of the small couch and chair. And I put the coffee table to an angle.Pulled in another lamp (from the library) and I like it. So far. I do need to get some art up on the walls now though. The Kid likes it too. It's so incredibly nice to be able to do things without worrying about what some landlord will say (ie, painting walls, making noise, etc) anymore :) I love the yard work, love making changes :)
I think this weekend I am going to inventory my pantry and see what I need to get for dry goods for this winter. I know that sounds probably kinda weird, but I am cooking all the time now and it would be smarter (I think) to get my stock stuff set. Of course, normal weekly stuff (fresh veggies and whatnot) is not what I'm thinking about. I also want to re-organize my kitchen a wee bit, make it more functional :) And I should probably re-do my pantry as's probably a good thing it's not too big!!
I plan on making some more chicken stock this coming week. I have a little bit left and will probably have that for dinner soon. I have totally loved putting the stock into ice cubes for easy portions. So freaking easy. Because you just chop up some carrots, celery, throw in some left over chicken pieces and noodles - done!
We've been watching the previous seasons of the Walking Dead. Loving this series!
And I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, for my permanent crowns. I will be so happy once this is finished. It was painful paying for it, set me back really - but damn it, it's my teeth and not something that can be ignored :(
Time to head out. I will try to blog more, again :)
Let's see - The kid is in a Parade this weekend, so hopefully that will go well.
School is taking up my time, not too shocking that. I am going to try for 2 classes Spring semester and see how that goes. I am doing this slowly, increasing my class size or not (as the case may be) to see what my real threshold is for balancing school and life.
I'm tired. I feel like that since I was sick a couple weeks ago I am still trying to get back to some form of a normal routine. I am happy it's getting colder, just because I am inside more - which means getting more around the house done again.
We did get the front patch of yard set up for winter. Weeds pulled and put a layer of this material that's supposed to keep them from growing. I need to get some larger size stones to make the spiral I want though. Or make them with quikrete.
I actually saw gas below $3.00 the other day. I was in a state of shock. I even took a pic of that! The $2.85 on the right is for regular unleaded.
Also, I am not going to order out Chinese anymore. I really do end up gaining like 2-3 lbs every damn time I eat it and it takes me days to get my back to normal. So very sad. It's probably the high sodium or something, but damn. Just not worth it right now. I have been getting better about not eating out as much, guess I just need to tone it done a bit more!!
The Kid is failing 3 classes. Very frustrating. Oh and the reason why? he doesn't feel like doing the work. Seriously. We've had conversations. Let's hope he was listening.
I am thinking of actually shopping on Black Friday. Scary that. I want to get some stuff for the house though, and that might be a smart way to get them. I want a room heater for my bedroom. Because even with carpet, the floor is cold!!
I need more sleep.
Ohhh, so I slightly re-organized my living room. I moved my cedar trunk to the library and then swapped places of the small couch and chair. And I put the coffee table to an angle.Pulled in another lamp (from the library) and I like it. So far. I do need to get some art up on the walls now though. The Kid likes it too. It's so incredibly nice to be able to do things without worrying about what some landlord will say (ie, painting walls, making noise, etc) anymore :) I love the yard work, love making changes :)
I think this weekend I am going to inventory my pantry and see what I need to get for dry goods for this winter. I know that sounds probably kinda weird, but I am cooking all the time now and it would be smarter (I think) to get my stock stuff set. Of course, normal weekly stuff (fresh veggies and whatnot) is not what I'm thinking about. I also want to re-organize my kitchen a wee bit, make it more functional :) And I should probably re-do my pantry as's probably a good thing it's not too big!!
I plan on making some more chicken stock this coming week. I have a little bit left and will probably have that for dinner soon. I have totally loved putting the stock into ice cubes for easy portions. So freaking easy. Because you just chop up some carrots, celery, throw in some left over chicken pieces and noodles - done!
We've been watching the previous seasons of the Walking Dead. Loving this series!
And I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, for my permanent crowns. I will be so happy once this is finished. It was painful paying for it, set me back really - but damn it, it's my teeth and not something that can be ignored :(
Time to head out. I will try to blog more, again :)
Diego's new pillow
They were on sale at the store today :) So. Diego got an early Yule present (his other one we are still keeping, but it's gotten quite worn out!)
A week in review
So many things, so little brain left after it melted this week!!
Let's see if I can break it down...
Last Friday - Good - Birthday
Saturday - Woke up sick :( The boyfriend picked us up though and we stayed at his place. I somehow ended up sleeping upside down (my feet where my head should be) eventually...but I was really up most the night and only actually slept at 5 am. For 2 hours, woke up and went back to sleep for 2 more hours. Therefore, exhausted and somewhat cranky. The Kid wasn't exactly Mr. Sunshine either.
Went home. I think I pretended to clean. I vegetated the rest of the day.
Sunday - I am pretty sure I didn't do anything. Except ask the Kid to help. Because, aka Mr. Sunshine was still being jerky...Did not sleep Sunday night again, until after 3 am.
Monday and Tuesday - called out sick and just rested. The Kid was slightly nicer after I asked him why he had to be mean when I was sick AND it was just my Bday. Because, I mean, really! Does that have to make someone being a jerk??? Ugh.
I was able to accomplish a nap on Tuesday morning for 2 hours. Score me.
Plus, you have to keep in mind that on top of being sick - my period was due (and yes, showed up) this week. GOOD FUCKING TIMES WERE HAD BY ALL! Bwahahahahahaahahahahaha. Ok, well maybe not so much.
Wednesday - Went to work. Still had my cold, therefore some trouble breathing. But not too bad. Also, work was really fucking busy. Slept ok, not like rock solid, but better than the previous 2 non sleep days.
[ I am sure I did 2 loads of laundry at some point before Thursday, but I just can't remember when...]
Thursday - Rinse and repeat Wednesday, though I was starting to feel a lot better. I actually got some good sleep finally on Wednesday. Probably because the boyfriend was there. Though I will say my period was just starting and that meant all my lovely insecurity hormones were raging inside my puny head. Another ugh.
Today - Friday - So far so good. My period is here, I feel like rearranging my living room and doing yard work. How that works out I have no freaking idea. Or maybe nap. I am at least feeling a lot better and almost 99 % with this cold.
My homework is almost done, just 2 small things left and need to get that submitted by tomorrow. I think taking this class (and waiting to be reimbursed until after I pass kinda sucks) is good but it hurt financially. Ugh. I know it's on my credit card but I seem to have this slightly OCD thing about wanting to pay it off and now off course money is tight until November. Blah. It's my own fault, because I just dumped too much of a payment onto my cc's this month. Ironically, I will probably end up paying for things on my CC this way instead of my normal account, which is just the opposite of what I wanted to do! The only possibly good thing is maybe I can get some more points and at least get a credit or buy things for free (yay Amazon cc) with the points.
I will totally blame my brain being melted due to illness on this months pathetic-ness of my finances. Totally.
And I think it's more of my perception of it being an issue than it really is. Because, seriously, there is nothing that is end of the world here.
Anyway, I need to figure out a couple other posts (one is more along those lines, "why does my hormonal state cause my brain to melt" and other such possible titles of "Where is the Wine" and "No More Laundry for You") and get this weekend started.
Also - It's Mercury Retrograde - So be safe!! Oh wait, can I blame Mercury Retrograde for this?? Hmmm.
Let's see if I can break it down...
Last Friday - Good - Birthday
Saturday - Woke up sick :( The boyfriend picked us up though and we stayed at his place. I somehow ended up sleeping upside down (my feet where my head should be) eventually...but I was really up most the night and only actually slept at 5 am. For 2 hours, woke up and went back to sleep for 2 more hours. Therefore, exhausted and somewhat cranky. The Kid wasn't exactly Mr. Sunshine either.
Went home. I think I pretended to clean. I vegetated the rest of the day.
Sunday - I am pretty sure I didn't do anything. Except ask the Kid to help. Because, aka Mr. Sunshine was still being jerky...Did not sleep Sunday night again, until after 3 am.
Monday and Tuesday - called out sick and just rested. The Kid was slightly nicer after I asked him why he had to be mean when I was sick AND it was just my Bday. Because, I mean, really! Does that have to make someone being a jerk??? Ugh.
I was able to accomplish a nap on Tuesday morning for 2 hours. Score me.
Plus, you have to keep in mind that on top of being sick - my period was due (and yes, showed up) this week. GOOD FUCKING TIMES WERE HAD BY ALL! Bwahahahahahaahahahahaha. Ok, well maybe not so much.
Wednesday - Went to work. Still had my cold, therefore some trouble breathing. But not too bad. Also, work was really fucking busy. Slept ok, not like rock solid, but better than the previous 2 non sleep days.
[ I am sure I did 2 loads of laundry at some point before Thursday, but I just can't remember when...]
Thursday - Rinse and repeat Wednesday, though I was starting to feel a lot better. I actually got some good sleep finally on Wednesday. Probably because the boyfriend was there. Though I will say my period was just starting and that meant all my lovely insecurity hormones were raging inside my puny head. Another ugh.
Today - Friday - So far so good. My period is here, I feel like rearranging my living room and doing yard work. How that works out I have no freaking idea. Or maybe nap. I am at least feeling a lot better and almost 99 % with this cold.
My homework is almost done, just 2 small things left and need to get that submitted by tomorrow. I think taking this class (and waiting to be reimbursed until after I pass kinda sucks) is good but it hurt financially. Ugh. I know it's on my credit card but I seem to have this slightly OCD thing about wanting to pay it off and now off course money is tight until November. Blah. It's my own fault, because I just dumped too much of a payment onto my cc's this month. Ironically, I will probably end up paying for things on my CC this way instead of my normal account, which is just the opposite of what I wanted to do! The only possibly good thing is maybe I can get some more points and at least get a credit or buy things for free (yay Amazon cc) with the points.
I will totally blame my brain being melted due to illness on this months pathetic-ness of my finances. Totally.
And I think it's more of my perception of it being an issue than it really is. Because, seriously, there is nothing that is end of the world here.
Anyway, I need to figure out a couple other posts (one is more along those lines, "why does my hormonal state cause my brain to melt" and other such possible titles of "Where is the Wine" and "No More Laundry for You") and get this weekend started.
Also - It's Mercury Retrograde - So be safe!! Oh wait, can I blame Mercury Retrograde for this?? Hmmm.
Pre-Birthday Dinner and more
So, last night my incredibly awesome boyfriend took me out to dinner. I have been craving this Mexican soup from a local place we go to. It's called Sopa Azteca
This is basically what it looks like (thank you google) and it so fucking yummy, I could eat this every single day. I mean, YUM-MY.
I got 1 of 2 birthday presents, this incredibly adorable snow globe of Minnie kissing Mickey, which is so appropriate since I am always kissing on the man. Love love love it. LOVE IT!!
Ahem, the 2nd present I get when it comes in...I know what it is because he told me and it's unbelievable awesome (and so not traditional in any way, shape or form, which is even fucking better!) and I will wait to post about that until I have my hands on it. Fucking Awesome. So excited.
My plans for tomorrow, get up, go to the store, buy ingredients for Lasagna and then go home, make it, make some eggs and coffee for breakfast. Read, nap. Make some cupcakes. Maybe take a shower. Probably clean up the dining room and vacuum around the house. Eat some lasagna. And just enjoy the day :)
Edit: Ok, I will get my ass up early and go to the store, and then come home to get Tiamet since she now has a 9:30 am appointment at the Vet. She needs to get her blood work checked and I need to refill her prescription. Thankfully I get paid tomorrow :) Then I will proceed with the rest of my diabolical plan to relax and enjoy the day!!
This weekend, I have no idea yet, haven't thought that far ahead. The only thing I do know is I have to do post my homework by Saturday. Tonight I am reading my 2nd chapter and if I have enough time to respond to the first question, at least get that one done.
I want more of that soup! SOOOO GOOD :D
This is basically what it looks like (thank you google) and it so fucking yummy, I could eat this every single day. I mean, YUM-MY.
I got 1 of 2 birthday presents, this incredibly adorable snow globe of Minnie kissing Mickey, which is so appropriate since I am always kissing on the man. Love love love it. LOVE IT!!
Ahem, the 2nd present I get when it comes in...I know what it is because he told me and it's unbelievable awesome (and so not traditional in any way, shape or form, which is even fucking better!) and I will wait to post about that until I have my hands on it. Fucking Awesome. So excited.
My plans for tomorrow, get up, go to the store, buy ingredients for Lasagna and then go home, make it, make some eggs and coffee for breakfast. Read, nap. Make some cupcakes. Maybe take a shower. Probably clean up the dining room and vacuum around the house. Eat some lasagna. And just enjoy the day :)
Edit: Ok, I will get my ass up early and go to the store, and then come home to get Tiamet since she now has a 9:30 am appointment at the Vet. She needs to get her blood work checked and I need to refill her prescription. Thankfully I get paid tomorrow :) Then I will proceed with the rest of my diabolical plan to relax and enjoy the day!!
This weekend, I have no idea yet, haven't thought that far ahead. The only thing I do know is I have to do post my homework by Saturday. Tonight I am reading my 2nd chapter and if I have enough time to respond to the first question, at least get that one done.
I want more of that soup! SOOOO GOOD :D
Lots of Attempting(s)
I've been wanting to write for the past few days but every time I start a draft I sorta just stare at it listlessly and then shuffle off to pretend to work.
So I am attempting to get past this.
Let's see.
Last night was a pretty good night. Me and the kid did our homework together :) I am somewhat annoyed over the fact he is not doing his classwork in Science and Social Studies (and sometimes English) but I am not in the classroom and have no idea what is going on. I explained, again, why good grades are important. He did say that he liked us doing that together (cranky mommy aside I suppose) and wants to do it again tonight (because, he has MORE stuff he hasn't finished).
I will have to remind him I have a Band Boosters meeting tonight :(
Class started for me, it's different since it's all online. I will be attempting to keep the snark out of any forum replies I think. It's a challenge, let me tell you ;)
This past weekend was good. We are watching Walking Dead since I've never had the chance to watch it. Freaky and awesome!!
While on vacation, I gained a few pounds. Not shocking I suppose! It was only like 4 lbs but I will be happy when I get them back off and then the attempt to go another 9 lbs after that. I am also attempting to cut back in sugar in a couple things. Mainly coffee and tea. So, the coffee is creamer only (I can drink it and I don't gag so there you go) and the tea, well. I haven't even used honey. I can tell you that I am learning to appreciate the actually taste of my teas more - without them having that sweet over taste to things - but it's an adjustment! One of the teas I am drinking is Spearmint tea, it's supposed to help women who have PCOS deal with hirsutism. Which, let me tell you, is not the most fun thing in the world. I am soooo tired of having to pluck daily. Granted, it's not a huge amount (some women get it bad :( ) but still, you are always wondering - is there a stray whisker or hair some place that that person is staring at????
My period is not due until the 14th at the earliest and more likely the 16th but I have been having fun PMS stuff going on. Breaking out, back pain, sore boobs. Oh the joys!!
I have been having a hard time just getting up in the mornings. My bed is all warm and warm and who wants to go to work when you are snuggled in? Then again, I have Tiamet annoying the hell out of me in the mornings because, damn it, she wants food!! Which she has no problems expressing for a solid 20 minutes. Love her, but I kinda got the point in the first time :)
I think with the season finally starting to show itself (yay, it's been chilly!!) my body is doing this whole wonky dance of things. I have been craving Tortilla soup, for instance. And I want avocados more. I want to get my yard prepped for next spring and take care of some tree limbs before winter sets in fully. Finances are tight though, which is to be expected and I'm not stressing over them, but tight is still tight. Suffice it to say I will be spending more time watching the DVR shows and crocheting!! Oh and more cooking :) I want to learn how to make a good beef stew and some yummy country biscuits and and and. I probably have a wee bit of ADD with this stuff!!
So much is going on, with the Kid's band, work and life in general. Sometimes I like at the calendar and it's nice to see if full of awesome things. Other times I wonder if I can squeeze in a nap somewhere :)
My birthday is coming up. I will be taking the day off from work. Reading, making lasagna and some form of dessert. A couple friends are going to stop by in the evening. I just want a quiet and happy moment to savor. I feel like re-organizing some stuff too.
I need to put up my Halloween decorations too. Maybe this weekend :)
So I am attempting to get past this.
Let's see.
Last night was a pretty good night. Me and the kid did our homework together :) I am somewhat annoyed over the fact he is not doing his classwork in Science and Social Studies (and sometimes English) but I am not in the classroom and have no idea what is going on. I explained, again, why good grades are important. He did say that he liked us doing that together (cranky mommy aside I suppose) and wants to do it again tonight (because, he has MORE stuff he hasn't finished).
I will have to remind him I have a Band Boosters meeting tonight :(
Class started for me, it's different since it's all online. I will be attempting to keep the snark out of any forum replies I think. It's a challenge, let me tell you ;)
This past weekend was good. We are watching Walking Dead since I've never had the chance to watch it. Freaky and awesome!!
While on vacation, I gained a few pounds. Not shocking I suppose! It was only like 4 lbs but I will be happy when I get them back off and then the attempt to go another 9 lbs after that. I am also attempting to cut back in sugar in a couple things. Mainly coffee and tea. So, the coffee is creamer only (I can drink it and I don't gag so there you go) and the tea, well. I haven't even used honey. I can tell you that I am learning to appreciate the actually taste of my teas more - without them having that sweet over taste to things - but it's an adjustment! One of the teas I am drinking is Spearmint tea, it's supposed to help women who have PCOS deal with hirsutism. Which, let me tell you, is not the most fun thing in the world. I am soooo tired of having to pluck daily. Granted, it's not a huge amount (some women get it bad :( ) but still, you are always wondering - is there a stray whisker or hair some place that that person is staring at????
My period is not due until the 14th at the earliest and more likely the 16th but I have been having fun PMS stuff going on. Breaking out, back pain, sore boobs. Oh the joys!!
I have been having a hard time just getting up in the mornings. My bed is all warm and warm and who wants to go to work when you are snuggled in? Then again, I have Tiamet annoying the hell out of me in the mornings because, damn it, she wants food!! Which she has no problems expressing for a solid 20 minutes. Love her, but I kinda got the point in the first time :)
I think with the season finally starting to show itself (yay, it's been chilly!!) my body is doing this whole wonky dance of things. I have been craving Tortilla soup, for instance. And I want avocados more. I want to get my yard prepped for next spring and take care of some tree limbs before winter sets in fully. Finances are tight though, which is to be expected and I'm not stressing over them, but tight is still tight. Suffice it to say I will be spending more time watching the DVR shows and crocheting!! Oh and more cooking :) I want to learn how to make a good beef stew and some yummy country biscuits and and and. I probably have a wee bit of ADD with this stuff!!
So much is going on, with the Kid's band, work and life in general. Sometimes I like at the calendar and it's nice to see if full of awesome things. Other times I wonder if I can squeeze in a nap somewhere :)
My birthday is coming up. I will be taking the day off from work. Reading, making lasagna and some form of dessert. A couple friends are going to stop by in the evening. I just want a quiet and happy moment to savor. I feel like re-organizing some stuff too.
I need to put up my Halloween decorations too. Maybe this weekend :)
While today at work...
So not what I want to see at my desk - a stink bug. Lovely
However, these beauties I love to see when I take walks at work! She just had her foal a few weeks ago :)
You may have noticed that if I post pictures of me, I always smile with my mouth closed. Today, 1 year from quitting smoking, I started the 2nd stage of getting my front teeth fixed. Now, the first image below was not how my teeth looked daily. This is from after what the dentist drilled off of my teeth today (YIKES) and honestly I was bit freaked out when I felt them in between drillings, because damn, that was a lot drilling!!
This is my teeth after the temporary crowns are in (which was super easy)
And this is my temporary smile until the permanent crowns are done in 3 weeks. Even though the teeth are not yet all the same color, at least I don't have some ugly dead tooth staring at me in every glance I look.
Vacation @ Myrtle Beach
It. Was. Awesome.
We left before the ass crack of dawn on Friday. Got into Myrtle Beach by 11 am. Checked in and headed to the beach. The boys loved it. We all loved it.
The sand between you toes = Awesome
The slightly chilly ocean washing said sand = Incredible
Walking along the shore with your love, hand in hand, beyond happy!!
I don't even remember Friday night. Oh wait! I took a nap while the boyfriend took his kids to the amusement park and my Kid hung out (he was a bit freaked out over the ominous looking seas and sky and yeah it was freaking looking) but he woke me up from my light snooze (bad!) and we talked about it (good). I can totally relate to those eerie feelings about the ocean.
The layout of the room was nice. It had a double bed, a full galley kitchen and a living room with a pull down Murphy bed (that was ours), It had 2 bathrooms that shared 1 shower, which was also awesome. I found out I don't particularly like cooking in a galley kitchen. I felt cramped by that, but otherwise it was awesome :) Being able to get groceries for breakfast, snacks and lunch was pretty impressive with 3 kids :) It certainly made things easier (ok, well except for clean up!)
Since our bed was a pull down, it was magnificent for leaving the balcony door open all night and waking up to the ocean waves - absolutely glorious!!
(Ironically, the boyfriend and I both agreed last night that just sitting on the couch, watching tv - it was way too quiet)
Friday night was eating in and Saturday morning was bacon, croissants and and and yep that's it. We didn't get to the eggs - too excited to get out of the room!!
Saturday was laying out on the beach, listening the kids have fun, finding pretty shells and some shopping. Saturday night we went to the Pirate Voyage, which is like a Medieval Times with water, mermaids, pirates (of course) and sea lions. In other words?? Awesomeness. Preshow was an hour long, had some snacks and beverages (We got to keep the cups, which is good because those drinks were good and yummy and sorta expensive). The food was food, good but not crazy freaky good. The service was really good though. I would totally recommend it to anyone seeing it for the first time :) I am not sure if you want to see that same show a bunch of times in a row, probably a good idea to change it up over the vacations ;) Then it was time for putt-putt golf. Now, I have no played that in a good 20 some odd years. I mean, seriously. I had so much damn fun! I laughed almost the entire time (and score, I got 2 hole in ones!). After that, it was time to relax and sit in the Jacuzzi and then bed :) Beyond awesome, the whole day.
We got up sorta early on Sunday, packed the car, walked the beach one last time (for now) and headed for home. The home trip took a wee bit longer (more stops for food/breaks) and we hit a small snag in traffic. I was a bit cranky once we got back to his house. I think my brain melted somewhere along the road and my filter was not working for a short minute. But, I got my game back in play and loaded my car up and got the Kid home.
Being back home? Nice. Though I will say not so nice that I didn't wish I was still at the beach!! The Kid got his lunch made, I did laundry and then it was just a matter of sorta getting my brain to function until bedtime.
Overall, huge success, awesome vacation. I had such a phenomenal time!!
We left before the ass crack of dawn on Friday. Got into Myrtle Beach by 11 am. Checked in and headed to the beach. The boys loved it. We all loved it.
The sand between you toes = Awesome
The slightly chilly ocean washing said sand = Incredible
Walking along the shore with your love, hand in hand, beyond happy!!
I don't even remember Friday night. Oh wait! I took a nap while the boyfriend took his kids to the amusement park and my Kid hung out (he was a bit freaked out over the ominous looking seas and sky and yeah it was freaking looking) but he woke me up from my light snooze (bad!) and we talked about it (good). I can totally relate to those eerie feelings about the ocean.
The layout of the room was nice. It had a double bed, a full galley kitchen and a living room with a pull down Murphy bed (that was ours), It had 2 bathrooms that shared 1 shower, which was also awesome. I found out I don't particularly like cooking in a galley kitchen. I felt cramped by that, but otherwise it was awesome :) Being able to get groceries for breakfast, snacks and lunch was pretty impressive with 3 kids :) It certainly made things easier (ok, well except for clean up!)
Since our bed was a pull down, it was magnificent for leaving the balcony door open all night and waking up to the ocean waves - absolutely glorious!!
(Ironically, the boyfriend and I both agreed last night that just sitting on the couch, watching tv - it was way too quiet)
Friday night was eating in and Saturday morning was bacon, croissants and and and yep that's it. We didn't get to the eggs - too excited to get out of the room!!
Saturday was laying out on the beach, listening the kids have fun, finding pretty shells and some shopping. Saturday night we went to the Pirate Voyage, which is like a Medieval Times with water, mermaids, pirates (of course) and sea lions. In other words?? Awesomeness. Preshow was an hour long, had some snacks and beverages (We got to keep the cups, which is good because those drinks were good and yummy and sorta expensive). The food was food, good but not crazy freaky good. The service was really good though. I would totally recommend it to anyone seeing it for the first time :) I am not sure if you want to see that same show a bunch of times in a row, probably a good idea to change it up over the vacations ;) Then it was time for putt-putt golf. Now, I have no played that in a good 20 some odd years. I mean, seriously. I had so much damn fun! I laughed almost the entire time (and score, I got 2 hole in ones!). After that, it was time to relax and sit in the Jacuzzi and then bed :) Beyond awesome, the whole day.
We got up sorta early on Sunday, packed the car, walked the beach one last time (for now) and headed for home. The home trip took a wee bit longer (more stops for food/breaks) and we hit a small snag in traffic. I was a bit cranky once we got back to his house. I think my brain melted somewhere along the road and my filter was not working for a short minute. But, I got my game back in play and loaded my car up and got the Kid home.
Being back home? Nice. Though I will say not so nice that I didn't wish I was still at the beach!! The Kid got his lunch made, I did laundry and then it was just a matter of sorta getting my brain to function until bedtime.
Overall, huge success, awesome vacation. I had such a phenomenal time!!
Day 3 of Mini Vacation - the Drive back
Day 2 of Mini Vacation
Day 1 of our Mini Vacation
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