So, yes I posted a slew of pictures of the vacation without a lot of details. Honestly, my brain is still slightly dumbfounded I went on a cruise in the first place, visited other countries in the 2nd place and is processing things somewhat slowly. I promise I will extract some good and fun details and put those words to screen for your hopefully reading pleasure.
What's been going on since, you may wonder? Let's see...We had Yule. The Kid was spoiled. We had Christmas, the Kid was annoyed and mean. He's at this age, almost a teenager, that hormones are ramping up, life is throwing stuff at him (aka, his parents getting divorced) bullies at school, issues in one class - yep, he's been a wee bit cranky with all this stuff going on. But he's still awesome and I still love him no matter what. I do tell him that I don't love his bad attitude. It's a process, we are all learning. I am sure we're all making mistakes (and learning from those too). Christmas day we went to the movies, saw that Dinosaur one (which he loved) and had breakfast at IHOP. That morning was the drama. Kids, it's all about them. And of course, they know everything. And you, the parent, are always wrong. Such joy this whole thing is!!!
I've had a couple itty bitty mice at the house in the past. I am fairly sure Daisy killed them both. I've seen one small brown one outside. Daisy was watching it one afternoon and I noticed, so I silently opened the door and she crept out and snatched it! She then attempted to bring it BACK IN THE HOUSE! Oh hells no! So I freaked her out and she dropped the still ALIVE mouse, she jumped inside, it ran for it's life. Hopefully the mouse now realizes we have a mouser and will eat it (or at least play with it until it dies more likely) and won't venture onto my back porch again. I've since then take to feeding the stray cat usually away from the house, more in the back yard. Unless it's raining or snowing, then it's the back porch. This stray, if he could come in he totally would. But, that is NOT happening!!
I've started a puzzle. I need to clean off my dining room table and move it there I think. The coffee table is just not going to cut it. Now, cleaning off the dining room table? Yikes, that will be fun.
I did not get done everything I wanted to get done this past weekend. Again, I seem to have difficulty actually doing things when the Kid is at his Dad's. I was just, eh - for most the weekend. Sunday was a lot better though. Huge difference. I did get some shopping done on Saturday morning before I shut myself inside. Old Navy was having this *awesome* sale. I was able to get 4 pairs of pants (2 size 14 and 2 size 12), a pair of jeans and 2 shirts. Also went to Pier 1 since they were having an after Christmas sale as well. And of course, PetSmart, because I needed some more stuff for the kitties.
Also, I think Puck is having some more kidney issues :( He's been acting a little bit off again and he pee'd again outside the box. Other than that, he's ok. Still happy to sleep on soft blankets, get treats and petted. He's eating and drinking like normal. Some days are just not as good as others. I am still in the 'wait and see' phase with him.
Oh and back to that previous thought. I think I am going to do another load of laundry tonight, fold the whites still in the dryer and THEN re-organize my bookcases! Did I mention that the most awesomeness of awesome made me some mini shelves (like the ones I have from IKEA) so that I can double up my softback books on 1 shelf? No? because, he did and and it's, ahem, awesome :) THEN I will see if I can clean up the dining room table. I think at some point I need to figure out a better way to store my hats and scarves. I guess I should do my filing too. I have to get my title of the car moved over to my name as well. And mail a package to my BFF in FL. And I need to take my now boxed up holiday decorations into the attic. And vacuum upstairs.
Well, damn! Hopefully I can get half this shit done and then nibble away at the rest of it :)
All in all, though - I'm happy :) The Kid is working on being happy. Life is moving forward in positive ways :) A new year is starting soon :)
Thursday Thoughts
It's Thursday and I still have a lot to do.
However, GOOD NEWS is that I really can wear size 12 jeans comfortably. That is such a HUGE win for me :) I bought 2 pairs of jeans last night :) I looked for some winter boots but had no luck at Kohl's. But seriously, size 12? And comfortable? And inching my way down to another size? During the holiday season? Seriously?? WOW.
The kid is having issues in his math class. It sucks. It's a little bit of everything and somethings more than others.
Work is awesome, and once I am actually over being sick, I will be happier doing it I think!!
I have to gather and wrap 1 more present and then I think I'm basically done. Ok, make that 2. The Kid will be pretty sorta spoiled. The reason I say SORTA is because he's not getting a ton of video game stuff. He's getting things that a tad bit more hands on. Of course, he's getting SOME video game stuff, just not like a new system and all that jazz that you hear a lot of others getting. I think for his BDAY though, it will be a something on 2 wheels. He is changing so much though, it's hard to say!!
What else...what else...hmmm...I'm excited about losing more weight...that thought has been on my mind since I hit 210 lbs. Just another 25 to go!! Woot!! I had been at 211 or 212 or soooo long (ok, like a month or 2) and I just felt like I hit a plateau. So, yay for finally busting it! Of course, I tend to drop 1-2 and gain it back and then drop it and stay stable and it just moves on from there.
I need a nap. I think I might go to bed early tonight. Or watch a movie. Ohhh, maybe I will rent one!! The Kid is at his Dad's tonight, so I have the place to myself. Mostly. The cats count, but it's not the same! Hmmm...thoughts are dancing in my head. I need to get some butter for the popcorn.
I was planning on getting my oil changed, but I might just do that tomorrow. I want to sweep the place up tonight I think.
I have an appointment to get waxed on Saturday, while the Kid is at his Dad's. It's been a while for certain places and I don't want a repeat UTI after being sick. So. That is getting taken care of.
Hmmm, I can't think of anything else at the moment. At least nothing so pressing that I need to figure out what it is.
Life is good.
However, GOOD NEWS is that I really can wear size 12 jeans comfortably. That is such a HUGE win for me :) I bought 2 pairs of jeans last night :) I looked for some winter boots but had no luck at Kohl's. But seriously, size 12? And comfortable? And inching my way down to another size? During the holiday season? Seriously?? WOW.
The kid is having issues in his math class. It sucks. It's a little bit of everything and somethings more than others.
Work is awesome, and once I am actually over being sick, I will be happier doing it I think!!
I have to gather and wrap 1 more present and then I think I'm basically done. Ok, make that 2. The Kid will be pretty sorta spoiled. The reason I say SORTA is because he's not getting a ton of video game stuff. He's getting things that a tad bit more hands on. Of course, he's getting SOME video game stuff, just not like a new system and all that jazz that you hear a lot of others getting. I think for his BDAY though, it will be a something on 2 wheels. He is changing so much though, it's hard to say!!
What else...what else...hmmm...I'm excited about losing more weight...that thought has been on my mind since I hit 210 lbs. Just another 25 to go!! Woot!! I had been at 211 or 212 or soooo long (ok, like a month or 2) and I just felt like I hit a plateau. So, yay for finally busting it! Of course, I tend to drop 1-2 and gain it back and then drop it and stay stable and it just moves on from there.
I need a nap. I think I might go to bed early tonight. Or watch a movie. Ohhh, maybe I will rent one!! The Kid is at his Dad's tonight, so I have the place to myself. Mostly. The cats count, but it's not the same! Hmmm...thoughts are dancing in my head. I need to get some butter for the popcorn.
I was planning on getting my oil changed, but I might just do that tomorrow. I want to sweep the place up tonight I think.
I have an appointment to get waxed on Saturday, while the Kid is at his Dad's. It's been a while for certain places and I don't want a repeat UTI after being sick. So. That is getting taken care of.
Hmmm, I can't think of anything else at the moment. At least nothing so pressing that I need to figure out what it is.
Life is good.
Tired Tuesday
I took the kid last night to get some boots for Winter. He cracks me up. First place we went to really didn't have a big selection and the one he might have considered they didn't have his size. But he did see a pair of Nike's that he REALLY wants. I may get those for him for Xmas - talk about a surprise that would be :)
Went to JC Penny and found him a pair of boots he was happy with. Granted they were slightly expensive, $70, but that's not THAT bad to be honest. And he's grown SO MUCH since last year. And that's pretty close to what his normal shoes cost, so I'm not arguing :)
Now, of course, I need to get me a pair as well :) Thankfully my feet won't be growing like his will!! Mine will usually last me 2-3 years.
Hmmm, what else. Oh oh I know!! I weighed myself this morning and I am 210.8 - so I lost 2 lbs since yesterday (don't ask, I have no freaking idea) and I was like - YES I AM WEARING MY SIZE 12's today!!! Bwahahahaha. And IF this stays off and goes down even a lbs or 2 more, then I am buying myself some size 12 jeans instead of 14's. I was going to get some more jeans anyways, now though, I'm all like SCORE. Because, they fit and are not too tight and just WOW. Love this!
I woke up at 4 am, after having some - ahem - interesting dreams, all in the mood. You know, The Mood. WTH ? I mean, it's all good and everything, but I had a hard time falling back asleep after that. Of course, I did - right before my alarm went off. This turned into sleeping past said alarm and being *slightly* late to work, which thankfully is not an issue. Also, there was snow falling this morning :) So pretty!
My Demon Eye is starting to go away. This is what I am calling my bloodshot eye from the mucus tormenting it. Oh the joys! 1 eye is totally red and bloodshot and the other is fine. It's so weird. Just weird. But in a way, cool. I know, I know - I'm *weird* that way!!!
Hmmm, oh I really need to get my holiday cards in the mail. I plan on doing that tomorrow. I need to make sure I have everyone's address though!
I am sure I have other thoughts. They are evading me at the moment. I am still awash in the glow of size 12 jeans that fit well :)
Oh I know!! I also remembered at 4 something this morning, that I had more presents for the Kid. I even double checked my Amazon and yep, I didn't wrap those. Now, if I can just remember where the fuck I put them, that would be AWESOME. So, I will be searching the house tonight for them!! LOL.
And onto another busy day at work :D
Went to JC Penny and found him a pair of boots he was happy with. Granted they were slightly expensive, $70, but that's not THAT bad to be honest. And he's grown SO MUCH since last year. And that's pretty close to what his normal shoes cost, so I'm not arguing :)
Now, of course, I need to get me a pair as well :) Thankfully my feet won't be growing like his will!! Mine will usually last me 2-3 years.
Hmmm, what else. Oh oh I know!! I weighed myself this morning and I am 210.8 - so I lost 2 lbs since yesterday (don't ask, I have no freaking idea) and I was like - YES I AM WEARING MY SIZE 12's today!!! Bwahahahaha. And IF this stays off and goes down even a lbs or 2 more, then I am buying myself some size 12 jeans instead of 14's. I was going to get some more jeans anyways, now though, I'm all like SCORE. Because, they fit and are not too tight and just WOW. Love this!
I woke up at 4 am, after having some - ahem - interesting dreams, all in the mood. You know, The Mood. WTH ? I mean, it's all good and everything, but I had a hard time falling back asleep after that. Of course, I did - right before my alarm went off. This turned into sleeping past said alarm and being *slightly* late to work, which thankfully is not an issue. Also, there was snow falling this morning :) So pretty!
My Demon Eye is starting to go away. This is what I am calling my bloodshot eye from the mucus tormenting it. Oh the joys! 1 eye is totally red and bloodshot and the other is fine. It's so weird. Just weird. But in a way, cool. I know, I know - I'm *weird* that way!!!
Hmmm, oh I really need to get my holiday cards in the mail. I plan on doing that tomorrow. I need to make sure I have everyone's address though!
I am sure I have other thoughts. They are evading me at the moment. I am still awash in the glow of size 12 jeans that fit well :)
Oh I know!! I also remembered at 4 something this morning, that I had more presents for the Kid. I even double checked my Amazon and yep, I didn't wrap those. Now, if I can just remember where the fuck I put them, that would be AWESOME. So, I will be searching the house tonight for them!! LOL.
And onto another busy day at work :D
Monday Madness!
I am feeling a lot better. I woke up today and just felt like "normal" with some added things of mucus escaping my body and not breathing easily, but other than that - I feel good!!
So yesterday, I woke up and my left eye is all scary red and bloodshot and had pus coming out. The right side of my face hurt so bad I wanted to cry, silently (because crying would have made it worse). I immediately did my Neti Pot to rinse out my sinuses, threw on some clothes and made sure I could move my car from the snow the previous day. Then I took my poor mucus stuffed head to Urgent Care and was told that I have Acute Sinusitis and Acute Bronchitis. They tested me for strep, but I could tell it wasn't that and looky I was right. So, I got me some antibiotics and then picked up a kick ass decongestant and am finally starting to feel like me again. I rested a lot yesterday, though I did get some laundry done and cleaned the floors downstairs. I did this a little bit at a time and just rested on the couch for the remainder.
We watched a lot of TV too. I tried to convince the Kid to go outside and play in the snow but he just looked at me all horrified that I would even suggest such a cold thing. Of course, last night we did head out briefly to look at some very beautiful Christmas lights in a town 10 minutes away and then he was all about playing in the snow. I'm like "See! I told you, you would have fun!" and he was all "I didn't know it was like this outside!" and I'm like "Duh! Which is why I said to go outside!!" and then we just laughed at each other because it was all kinds of silliness :)
Granted, I can still barely talk, though some might think that's a good thing! LOL. And my nose is all raw from blowing it. But my throat is not as sore! And I feel like I can think a bit more clearly now too :) Yay ! I think that by the end of this week I should almost 100% again, which is good since Yule is on Saturday :)
I also got all the Kids presents wrapped and under the tree. I have a few more for others to get done though, hopefully this week :)
This is going to be a busy week! Because, yeah - We have plans to see more Christmas lights, got to buy some winter boots for me and the Kid, get the oil changed in my car, Yule, and I have a company thing on Saturday night too. Then next week is Christmas. Since the Kid is now more firmly - there is NO Santa - well, then he only gets to open his stocking on Christmas. I will still make some kind of awesome breakfast though :) And I am planning on taking him to the movies :) I thinking it's going to be a new tradition - Stocking, Breakfast, Movies. Of course, this will change every other year since he will be with his Dad on those years. Those years, I think I might still stick with that Breakfast and Movies parts :)
I am looking forward to getting better, having fun this month and seeing what the New Year brings in :D Life is good :) Especially when you're happy :) And it's much MORE to be happy than not! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this - that it's all good and life moves on and why not be happy :)
So yesterday, I woke up and my left eye is all scary red and bloodshot and had pus coming out. The right side of my face hurt so bad I wanted to cry, silently (because crying would have made it worse). I immediately did my Neti Pot to rinse out my sinuses, threw on some clothes and made sure I could move my car from the snow the previous day. Then I took my poor mucus stuffed head to Urgent Care and was told that I have Acute Sinusitis and Acute Bronchitis. They tested me for strep, but I could tell it wasn't that and looky I was right. So, I got me some antibiotics and then picked up a kick ass decongestant and am finally starting to feel like me again. I rested a lot yesterday, though I did get some laundry done and cleaned the floors downstairs. I did this a little bit at a time and just rested on the couch for the remainder.
We watched a lot of TV too. I tried to convince the Kid to go outside and play in the snow but he just looked at me all horrified that I would even suggest such a cold thing. Of course, last night we did head out briefly to look at some very beautiful Christmas lights in a town 10 minutes away and then he was all about playing in the snow. I'm like "See! I told you, you would have fun!" and he was all "I didn't know it was like this outside!" and I'm like "Duh! Which is why I said to go outside!!" and then we just laughed at each other because it was all kinds of silliness :)
Granted, I can still barely talk, though some might think that's a good thing! LOL. And my nose is all raw from blowing it. But my throat is not as sore! And I feel like I can think a bit more clearly now too :) Yay ! I think that by the end of this week I should almost 100% again, which is good since Yule is on Saturday :)
I also got all the Kids presents wrapped and under the tree. I have a few more for others to get done though, hopefully this week :)
This is going to be a busy week! Because, yeah - We have plans to see more Christmas lights, got to buy some winter boots for me and the Kid, get the oil changed in my car, Yule, and I have a company thing on Saturday night too. Then next week is Christmas. Since the Kid is now more firmly - there is NO Santa - well, then he only gets to open his stocking on Christmas. I will still make some kind of awesome breakfast though :) And I am planning on taking him to the movies :) I thinking it's going to be a new tradition - Stocking, Breakfast, Movies. Of course, this will change every other year since he will be with his Dad on those years. Those years, I think I might still stick with that Breakfast and Movies parts :)
I am looking forward to getting better, having fun this month and seeing what the New Year brings in :D Life is good :) Especially when you're happy :) And it's much MORE to be happy than not! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this - that it's all good and life moves on and why not be happy :)
Thank the Gods it's Friday
Still sick. My face hurts. Stupid sinuses.
But! It's FRIDAY!! I get to sleep in tomorrow and just rest. And of course, I have really been wanting to sweep and mop the downstairs, vacuum the upstairs. Then, THEN - I will be happier :) Oh and do the cat litter - knew I forgot something last night!
I just did the Neti Pot for my sinuses, it helped. I feel like face exploding sensations dwindle, so that's a win.
I am half asleep though it seems. I did take some DAY time medicine and it just sorta kicks my butt. Maybe I can nap in the warehouse or something. I know that at lunch I have to run an errand (deposit money for the band) and that's it. Maybe I will leave early today as well and just use up the rest of my sick time.
So, the concert last night - it went well :) Of course, listening to the 6th grade band is always painful. PAINFUL. But you hear a marked difference in 7th and again in 8th grades when they play. Which was pointed out to me and it's true and it's probably a really good thing that you can hear that difference. It shows how much kids learn :)
Afterwards, got the Kid some hot chocolate since it was freezing outside and headed home. I went to bed early (the Kid late) due to this lovely cold/flu thingy I have. I had toast for dinner.
I hate being sick. Ugh.
It supposed to snow again on Saturday, another 2-4". I'm tempted to get some salt for my side walk and by my car. Oh and I need to take my car in for an oil change too. Hmmm, maybe I can get that done tonight before I go home so I don't have to worry about it.
Today is the final day to finish my work personal eval. Oh the joys of that! I've been here since the end of March. Thankfully I've already met the vast majority of my goals. Score Me :)
I swear the Kid got taller while I was away. I am cutting his hair this weekend, per his request. I need to get the back of mine trimmed too. Just not right now. I also need to get waxed. I will see if I can get that done NEXT weekend when I don't feel like a zombie.
I am also wrapping presents this weekend. I guess I will lock myself in my room or something to get that done. Though walking the freaking stairs while sick makes me out of breath. So.
I weighed myself this morning, back down to my pre-vacation weight which is good :) Now, it's all about figuring out how to lose another 25-30 lbs. I got out my Tai Chi DVD the other day, and once I'm not all snot nosed sick, I plan on doing that every day. It will at least get me moving in some form during the winter. This spring and summer will be busy because of all the yard work that I will be doing. And I will be able to start walking again on my breaks because it won't be freezing then. I do hope the summer heat doesn't get extreme though.
Someone just said my tea smells weird. Huh. I can't smell so who knows.
Ok, back to work my dears.
But! It's FRIDAY!! I get to sleep in tomorrow and just rest. And of course, I have really been wanting to sweep and mop the downstairs, vacuum the upstairs. Then, THEN - I will be happier :) Oh and do the cat litter - knew I forgot something last night!
I just did the Neti Pot for my sinuses, it helped. I feel like face exploding sensations dwindle, so that's a win.
I am half asleep though it seems. I did take some DAY time medicine and it just sorta kicks my butt. Maybe I can nap in the warehouse or something. I know that at lunch I have to run an errand (deposit money for the band) and that's it. Maybe I will leave early today as well and just use up the rest of my sick time.
So, the concert last night - it went well :) Of course, listening to the 6th grade band is always painful. PAINFUL. But you hear a marked difference in 7th and again in 8th grades when they play. Which was pointed out to me and it's true and it's probably a really good thing that you can hear that difference. It shows how much kids learn :)
Afterwards, got the Kid some hot chocolate since it was freezing outside and headed home. I went to bed early (the Kid late) due to this lovely cold/flu thingy I have. I had toast for dinner.
I hate being sick. Ugh.
It supposed to snow again on Saturday, another 2-4". I'm tempted to get some salt for my side walk and by my car. Oh and I need to take my car in for an oil change too. Hmmm, maybe I can get that done tonight before I go home so I don't have to worry about it.
Today is the final day to finish my work personal eval. Oh the joys of that! I've been here since the end of March. Thankfully I've already met the vast majority of my goals. Score Me :)
I swear the Kid got taller while I was away. I am cutting his hair this weekend, per his request. I need to get the back of mine trimmed too. Just not right now. I also need to get waxed. I will see if I can get that done NEXT weekend when I don't feel like a zombie.
I am also wrapping presents this weekend. I guess I will lock myself in my room or something to get that done. Though walking the freaking stairs while sick makes me out of breath. So.
I weighed myself this morning, back down to my pre-vacation weight which is good :) Now, it's all about figuring out how to lose another 25-30 lbs. I got out my Tai Chi DVD the other day, and once I'm not all snot nosed sick, I plan on doing that every day. It will at least get me moving in some form during the winter. This spring and summer will be busy because of all the yard work that I will be doing. And I will be able to start walking again on my breaks because it won't be freezing then. I do hope the summer heat doesn't get extreme though.
Someone just said my tea smells weird. Huh. I can't smell so who knows.
Ok, back to work my dears.
Yep, I'm sick
And I seriously and truly HATE being sick. Granted, I don't really know anyone who LIKES to be sick, but there you go.
My nose is raw from blowing it :( Sore throat, sinus headache. Ugh. I have a very minor fever. Yesterday I went home early, took a nap (until UPS rang the doorbell, which woke me up) and then just played dead on the couch. At some point I got up, did the cat litter and took out the trash. But that was it. Oh and I made some soup. The kid had leftovers from the previous night.
I am thinking, that even though I can function at work at a low level - which I am doing currently - I am going to head home a couple hours early today. Start a load of laundry and take another nap.
See, tonight the Kid has his Winter concert. And I want to be rested enough for that.
So I am getting what I can get done at work. Which is just shipping and receiving stuff for today.
Also: Food for thought - Look at everything that has changed - most in such positive ways - in the last year!
And I am out of breath from doing normal every day things! Ugh! Hate this. A coworker suggested it's probably from my flight home. Maybe. At this point, it doesn't really matter.
But hey, at least I using up the last of my sick time!!
Anyway, I am heading home now, soooo tired. I need to stop and get some cough drops though.
My nose is raw from blowing it :( Sore throat, sinus headache. Ugh. I have a very minor fever. Yesterday I went home early, took a nap (until UPS rang the doorbell, which woke me up) and then just played dead on the couch. At some point I got up, did the cat litter and took out the trash. But that was it. Oh and I made some soup. The kid had leftovers from the previous night.
I am thinking, that even though I can function at work at a low level - which I am doing currently - I am going to head home a couple hours early today. Start a load of laundry and take another nap.
See, tonight the Kid has his Winter concert. And I want to be rested enough for that.
So I am getting what I can get done at work. Which is just shipping and receiving stuff for today.
Also: Food for thought - Look at everything that has changed - most in such positive ways - in the last year!
And I am out of breath from doing normal every day things! Ugh! Hate this. A coworker suggested it's probably from my flight home. Maybe. At this point, it doesn't really matter.
But hey, at least I using up the last of my sick time!!
Anyway, I am heading home now, soooo tired. I need to stop and get some cough drops though.
A Quick Update
I'm back from my vacation!
I went from 84 degree sunshine to 24 degree snow. Good gods, what a change!
I am attempting to fight off a cold (probably from the cruise), which is why this is short!
I still have to download and catalog all the pictures I took :) Suffice it to say though, it was greatly needed, hugely appreciated and just plain awesome. Awesome.
It's all been surreal.
I am happy to be home though :)
I am grocery shopping tonight, putting that away, making dinner and stashing my ass on the couch to relax!
I will attempt to write more this week :)
I went from 84 degree sunshine to 24 degree snow. Good gods, what a change!
I am attempting to fight off a cold (probably from the cruise), which is why this is short!
I still have to download and catalog all the pictures I took :) Suffice it to say though, it was greatly needed, hugely appreciated and just plain awesome. Awesome.
It's all been surreal.
I am happy to be home though :)
I am grocery shopping tonight, putting that away, making dinner and stashing my ass on the couch to relax!
I will attempt to write more this week :)
Vacation Bitches!!
Ok, I won't be posting this week or next.
My ass is going on vacation to the Caribbean with my BFF :)
I will post pictures and exciting details once I'm back!
My ass is going on vacation to the Caribbean with my BFF :)
I will post pictures and exciting details once I'm back!
It's a busy time of year
So. Crazy fucking busy lately.
I had CPR training today, which was actually pretty cool. I like knowing how to help someone. There were several very funny moments. One of them was when the instructor told us to pair up, 1 person to do CPR and the other to handle the AED. I was the one to do the AED (we switched after so we both get to do the exercise) and at one point the instructor said to run to where our AED is located, tap it and come back so we can get the training one. It was to show more of a real life situation. I was the *only* one who actually RAN to the damn thing and back! I mean, wow. I know it's just a training class and whatnot, but isn't the purpose to actually DO it as if it was an emergency ? I don't know, maybe it's just me?
Did I mention my spayed kitty being in heat? Briefly I suppose. So, yesterday I basically spent the afternoon running home, got the cat, went to the vet, paid money for them to tell me they are taking blood and sending it out to see if there are hormones in it. Running back home, dropped her off and heading back to work. It was a long lunch. I made up for it today though. Anyway, I will hopefully know by Friday. If so, I will be calling the Humane Society to see if they can help pay for the cost. Because, baby kitty in heat? Not so much fun.
This weekend, I have laundry, packing and cleaning (yes, this includes filing) to get done. Movies on Friday night, dying my hair on Saturday morning, wax job on Saturday afternoon. Way too much to get done!
I would like to get out the Christmas (aka Yule) tree on Sunday and see if it needs more ornaments or anything.
Tomorrow, its the pet store, this cool artsy type store and maybe Michael's. I am not sure about Michael's, my brain might be melting from my head at that point. I want to see about doing some crafty stuff for the holidays for the house. Did I already mention that? Sheesh, see - brain melting!! Oh and I have to do a deposit for the band AND I am helping them with a bit of the fundraiser tomorrow after work.
Busy fucking week!
But next week?? Next week, I fly my fine ass out to Florida and then head out on my cruise vacation. Gods, I have no idea how I am going to handle it. Being away from the kid, cats and loved ones... and just, well, everything. Plus, I have no idea how I will react being on a freaking ship!! I'm getting more and more nervous and excited!! I will probably get the WiFi, oh that reminds me, I need to see if my cell company has a plan for when I am in port! That would be helpful :) Plus I have to let my credit card companies know I will be out of the country :)
I still can't believe I am going out of the country. I mean...just, wow. Wow.
And then I will be back home, hugging my kid and cats and sleeping in my bed and feeling my blankets cocooning me. And being happy. Hopefully a little bit tanner, with some awesome pictures, stories and things for my loved ones.
Ok, I'm tapped out now.
I had CPR training today, which was actually pretty cool. I like knowing how to help someone. There were several very funny moments. One of them was when the instructor told us to pair up, 1 person to do CPR and the other to handle the AED. I was the one to do the AED (we switched after so we both get to do the exercise) and at one point the instructor said to run to where our AED is located, tap it and come back so we can get the training one. It was to show more of a real life situation. I was the *only* one who actually RAN to the damn thing and back! I mean, wow. I know it's just a training class and whatnot, but isn't the purpose to actually DO it as if it was an emergency ? I don't know, maybe it's just me?
Did I mention my spayed kitty being in heat? Briefly I suppose. So, yesterday I basically spent the afternoon running home, got the cat, went to the vet, paid money for them to tell me they are taking blood and sending it out to see if there are hormones in it. Running back home, dropped her off and heading back to work. It was a long lunch. I made up for it today though. Anyway, I will hopefully know by Friday. If so, I will be calling the Humane Society to see if they can help pay for the cost. Because, baby kitty in heat? Not so much fun.
This weekend, I have laundry, packing and cleaning (yes, this includes filing) to get done. Movies on Friday night, dying my hair on Saturday morning, wax job on Saturday afternoon. Way too much to get done!
I would like to get out the Christmas (aka Yule) tree on Sunday and see if it needs more ornaments or anything.
Tomorrow, its the pet store, this cool artsy type store and maybe Michael's. I am not sure about Michael's, my brain might be melting from my head at that point. I want to see about doing some crafty stuff for the holidays for the house. Did I already mention that? Sheesh, see - brain melting!! Oh and I have to do a deposit for the band AND I am helping them with a bit of the fundraiser tomorrow after work.
Busy fucking week!
But next week?? Next week, I fly my fine ass out to Florida and then head out on my cruise vacation. Gods, I have no idea how I am going to handle it. Being away from the kid, cats and loved ones... and just, well, everything. Plus, I have no idea how I will react being on a freaking ship!! I'm getting more and more nervous and excited!! I will probably get the WiFi, oh that reminds me, I need to see if my cell company has a plan for when I am in port! That would be helpful :) Plus I have to let my credit card companies know I will be out of the country :)
I still can't believe I am going out of the country. I mean...just, wow. Wow.
And then I will be back home, hugging my kid and cats and sleeping in my bed and feeling my blankets cocooning me. And being happy. Hopefully a little bit tanner, with some awesome pictures, stories and things for my loved ones.
Ok, I'm tapped out now.
Bullies Suck
I am not 100% sure if I had posted this before, but my Kid was attacked while at school and beat up by another kid. It was all caught on video at the school.
The bad kid went to the detention center, waiting trial for this and 4 other cases. He plead out and 3 of the cases were dropped. Not my kids nor one for burglary.
I just got notification in the mail yesterday that this kid won't be going to juvie. He's on probation, has a 7 pm curfew, must write an apology letter, must attention classes on bullying (aka how not to be a mean asshole) and attend counseling.
With this in mind, I am getting a surveillance system for the front/back yard. I really don't think something WILL happen. I want it in case something does. If I have to get a restraining order against someone because they are causing issues, I will. Period. I don't care who it is. This kid is 13 years old and has a rap sheet pages long. Wow. I do feel bad for this kid, because, DAMN at 13 years old he has a rap sheet!! That's just wrong. Where the fuck were/are his parents and family??? His 11 year old brother was in the detention center as well, so it's not just a 1 off situation. Ugh. People, if you are going to reproduce, RAISE YOUR CHILDREN to be good people!!
Bullies suck.
The bad kid went to the detention center, waiting trial for this and 4 other cases. He plead out and 3 of the cases were dropped. Not my kids nor one for burglary.
I just got notification in the mail yesterday that this kid won't be going to juvie. He's on probation, has a 7 pm curfew, must write an apology letter, must attention classes on bullying (aka how not to be a mean asshole) and attend counseling.
With this in mind, I am getting a surveillance system for the front/back yard. I really don't think something WILL happen. I want it in case something does. If I have to get a restraining order against someone because they are causing issues, I will. Period. I don't care who it is. This kid is 13 years old and has a rap sheet pages long. Wow. I do feel bad for this kid, because, DAMN at 13 years old he has a rap sheet!! That's just wrong. Where the fuck were/are his parents and family??? His 11 year old brother was in the detention center as well, so it's not just a 1 off situation. Ugh. People, if you are going to reproduce, RAISE YOUR CHILDREN to be good people!!
Bullies suck.
Surveillance System,
The Kid
Open and Honest
Let's have some open and honest communication shall we?
First things first! I am super excited to be going on a vacation with my BFF. On a cruise no less. Now, those of you that know me really well, know that I have this deep seeded fear of the ocean. Not so much drowning or anything like that. It's just that, to me, the ocean is this very incredibly powerful entity that if she got pissed off enough, she would basically burp and the US is the new Atlantis. That's all. Respect the ocean people!!!
So, I've never been one who wanted to willingly place my body on the ocean for any sort of journey. Because it would sort of be like tempting fate.
However, with the end of my marriage and life's upheavals, I decided (ok ok, I said FUCK IT!) that I need to face and (hopefully) conquer this fear. Of course, the timing was serendipitous because my BFF had contacted me about going on a cruise with her. Hmmm, now what would prompt someone who knows of this fear to ask me about a cruise? Well, I will call it Fate or intuition or something, because it's probably the most perfect thing ever.
Part of that awesomeness is that I've never ever been outside the US (tragic, I know) and now - well now I get to go 4 different ones! WOOT!!
Seriously, fucking excited and just a tad bit scared.
I am going to miss my kid though. Like, seriously miss him. Of course, he will be with his Dad for a portion of it and staying at home with another BFF who's watching my house. But still. I always have a really hard time when he's not home.
Open and honest - hmmm what else.
Well, some things just aren't anyone's business unless I include them in it. What does that mean, you might wonder? Oh, I don't friends know what's going on with me. So does my family. Basically the ones that I care about and that care about me. Of course, I am a bit behind on catching some friends and family up on life. But that's normal. It would be too exhausting to keep everyone in the exact same loop! Not to mention they have their own life and issues going on. But I should try to schedule a girls night soon though. Which will probably happen AFTER the holidays are over!!
No, I don't go posting crazy shit on for status updates on facebook or anything like that. I haven't even had time to blog a whole lot lately (laundry anyone??) but I'm hoping that after the holiday season is over, things calm down again and life moves forward and things are good. I am really looking forward to that...
Weight is staying about the same. I've started walking at work though. I should probably stop getting breakfast from Dunkin' donuts if I really want to be better about my eating habits. Yes,'s the fucking holiday season so whatever!! And when winter really hits, not sure what I will do. Oh wait, you know inventory my ass off! LOL
The Kid
Let's see - He's a preteen, hormones are starting to get to him a bit. School life is rough in 7th grade...there seems to be a lot of fighting, arrests and bullying going on. Never easy that. He's doing good in his classes though. He has a couple good friends. I know he wishes he had more and/or that there were less assholes in his classes. I think we all wish there were less assholes in the world though. He plays a lot of video games, I think as do most boys his age. He's starting to exercise more though, which is always a good thing. He has such a big heart. He loves band. Loves it. Says he wants to do it in HS. Wow. Who knew!!! I'm so happy he's happy with it :)
He's been having it rough lately. With the divorce and issues with just everything going on, it's not easy. Plus, he usually takes a little time to digest it before he can talk about it. It's something I am keeping a very close eye on. Last night he was a bit of a wreck. I got a call from the school nurse saying he had a headache yesterday morning. I talked to him and honestly, he sounded very stressed out. I went and picked him and took him home. Had a good talk with him. He was upset and worried and just stressed out from everything. He needed a day away from school and some time to decompress. He freaked out because he didn't get something completed that he had wanted to. I told him not to worry, that he can complete it later and everything will work out fine. He was on the verge on tears, but after hearing that and knowing it was ok, he was a lot better.
I think he needs to upcoming holiday break and then winter break more than anything. Winter break will be nice, easy and relaxing :) Plus he gets presents, and that will be a nice distraction :)
We're going to the movies this Friday. I'm trying to get him out of the house a bit more, hanging with friends or just doing stuff together. Maybe we will go to the park and check out the skate part of it. Or just walk it.
Holiday Projects
I am thinking of going to Michael's this weekend to see about getting some supplies to make a wreathe and maybe some cute but easy ornaments for me and the Kid to do. I also want to go to Pier 1 to see if they have some cool ornaments :)
Ok, time to take my spayed kitty to the vet, it seems she's in heat. Yeah, that makes sense right!! Ugh!!
First things first! I am super excited to be going on a vacation with my BFF. On a cruise no less. Now, those of you that know me really well, know that I have this deep seeded fear of the ocean. Not so much drowning or anything like that. It's just that, to me, the ocean is this very incredibly powerful entity that if she got pissed off enough, she would basically burp and the US is the new Atlantis. That's all. Respect the ocean people!!!
So, I've never been one who wanted to willingly place my body on the ocean for any sort of journey. Because it would sort of be like tempting fate.
However, with the end of my marriage and life's upheavals, I decided (ok ok, I said FUCK IT!) that I need to face and (hopefully) conquer this fear. Of course, the timing was serendipitous because my BFF had contacted me about going on a cruise with her. Hmmm, now what would prompt someone who knows of this fear to ask me about a cruise? Well, I will call it Fate or intuition or something, because it's probably the most perfect thing ever.
Part of that awesomeness is that I've never ever been outside the US (tragic, I know) and now - well now I get to go 4 different ones! WOOT!!
Seriously, fucking excited and just a tad bit scared.
I am going to miss my kid though. Like, seriously miss him. Of course, he will be with his Dad for a portion of it and staying at home with another BFF who's watching my house. But still. I always have a really hard time when he's not home.
Open and honest - hmmm what else.
Well, some things just aren't anyone's business unless I include them in it. What does that mean, you might wonder? Oh, I don't friends know what's going on with me. So does my family. Basically the ones that I care about and that care about me. Of course, I am a bit behind on catching some friends and family up on life. But that's normal. It would be too exhausting to keep everyone in the exact same loop! Not to mention they have their own life and issues going on. But I should try to schedule a girls night soon though. Which will probably happen AFTER the holidays are over!!
No, I don't go posting crazy shit on for status updates on facebook or anything like that. I haven't even had time to blog a whole lot lately (laundry anyone??) but I'm hoping that after the holiday season is over, things calm down again and life moves forward and things are good. I am really looking forward to that...
Weight is staying about the same. I've started walking at work though. I should probably stop getting breakfast from Dunkin' donuts if I really want to be better about my eating habits. Yes,'s the fucking holiday season so whatever!! And when winter really hits, not sure what I will do. Oh wait, you know inventory my ass off! LOL
The Kid
Let's see - He's a preteen, hormones are starting to get to him a bit. School life is rough in 7th grade...there seems to be a lot of fighting, arrests and bullying going on. Never easy that. He's doing good in his classes though. He has a couple good friends. I know he wishes he had more and/or that there were less assholes in his classes. I think we all wish there were less assholes in the world though. He plays a lot of video games, I think as do most boys his age. He's starting to exercise more though, which is always a good thing. He has such a big heart. He loves band. Loves it. Says he wants to do it in HS. Wow. Who knew!!! I'm so happy he's happy with it :)
He's been having it rough lately. With the divorce and issues with just everything going on, it's not easy. Plus, he usually takes a little time to digest it before he can talk about it. It's something I am keeping a very close eye on. Last night he was a bit of a wreck. I got a call from the school nurse saying he had a headache yesterday morning. I talked to him and honestly, he sounded very stressed out. I went and picked him and took him home. Had a good talk with him. He was upset and worried and just stressed out from everything. He needed a day away from school and some time to decompress. He freaked out because he didn't get something completed that he had wanted to. I told him not to worry, that he can complete it later and everything will work out fine. He was on the verge on tears, but after hearing that and knowing it was ok, he was a lot better.
I think he needs to upcoming holiday break and then winter break more than anything. Winter break will be nice, easy and relaxing :) Plus he gets presents, and that will be a nice distraction :)
We're going to the movies this Friday. I'm trying to get him out of the house a bit more, hanging with friends or just doing stuff together. Maybe we will go to the park and check out the skate part of it. Or just walk it.
Holiday Projects
I am thinking of going to Michael's this weekend to see about getting some supplies to make a wreathe and maybe some cute but easy ornaments for me and the Kid to do. I also want to go to Pier 1 to see if they have some cool ornaments :)
Ok, time to take my spayed kitty to the vet, it seems she's in heat. Yeah, that makes sense right!! Ugh!!
Open and Honest,
The Kid,
Animosity - Perspective - Prerogative
ti/ Show Spelled [an-uh-mos-i-tee] Show IPA
ʃən/ Show Spelled [per-sep-shuh
n] Show IPA
Related forms
tɪv, pəˈrɒg-/ Show Spelled [pri-rog-uh-tiv, puh-rog-] Show IPA
noun, plural an·i·mos·i·ties.
a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action: a deep-seated animosity between two sisters; animosity against one's neighbor.
1400–50; late Middle English animosite (< Middle French ) < Late Latin animōsitās. See animus, -ose1 , -ity
1400–50; late Middle English animosite (< Middle French ) < Late Latin animōsitās. See animus, -ose1 , -ity
hostility, unfriendliness, opposition, antagonism, animus, hatred.
hostility, unfriendliness, opposition, antagonism, animus, hatred.
1. the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
3. the result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; percept.
4. Psychology . a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.
Related forms
per·cep·tion·al, adjective
non·per·cep·tion, noun
non·per·cep·tion·al, adjective
re·per·cep·tion, noun
self-per·cep·tion, noun
1. awareness, sense, recognition.
1. awareness, sense, recognition.
1. an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like: the prerogatives of a senator.
2. a right, privilege, etc., limited to a specific person or to persons of a particular category: It was the teacher's prerogative to stop the discussion.
3. a power, immunity, or the like restricted to a sovereign government or its representative: The royal prerogative exempts the king from taxation.
5. having or exercising a prerogative.
6. pertaining to, characteristic of, or existing by virtue of a prerogative.
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin praerogātīvus (adj.) voting first, praerogātīva (noun use of feminine of adj.) tribe or century with right to vote first. See pre-, interrogative
1350–1400; Middle English < Latin praerogātīvus (adj.) voting first, praerogātīva (noun use of feminine of adj.) tribe or century with right to vote first. See pre-, interrogative
Good Words,
Poor bush
I am slowly clearing out the trees and bushes in my back yard...I want to have a garden there instead. me and the Kid take out our stresses and also get in some exercise in doing so !
Thursday Thoughts
So I am sitting here thinking...and realize those thoughts just run run run away.
My period is starting to show itself, just a hint of it this morning. No wonder I've been craving chocolate and cookies and sex (sigh, I am really really missing sex right now). It will probably be a couple days before I get a full showing from Aunt Flo (the bitch) but at least it's basically staying on time.
Today, it's raining out and chilly. I love it. I wish I had a fireplace, that would be completely awesome. Maybe the next house. Or I can get a cabana and a fire pit or something. I love that smell of wood burning (safely) and gods, it's been centuries since I've actually MADE s'mores!
So instead I am drinking hot Chai tea, loaded up with sugar and creamer (the only way to drink it in my mind) and happily pretending I care 2 wits about work today.
Though I will say the rain makes my left knee hate me (stupid arthritis). And with my impending period, I'm really wanting to sleep (that is really, of course, a coma induced by chocolate, cookies and sex) and maybe actually read. I haven't read in days. DAYS. There is something seriously wrong with this picture! Last night, it was laundry and phone conversations (after chores and dinner). Both were needed and awesome, but I probably could have gone to sleep a tad bit earlier (love me some Jon Stewart!) and and and maybe I could have snuck in a half hour of reading. I could have!! Hmmm.
Tonight, I'm getting the Xmas totes down and going through those, so no reading tonight either for me. On the way home, I need to swing by the store and drop off some out going mail. And get a bottle of wine (ahem, it helps with the period and it tastes yummy).
Some big holidays are coming up. Thanksgiving, well that night I am flying to FLL to see my BFF and go on a cruise :) YES. No real plans for that day, at least none that involve much more than relaxing and double checking my bags!! The Kid will be with his Dad. One of my BFFs here is going to watch my house and kitties for me, which is awesome :)
Then there is Yule and Xmas. Yule, I have the kid and I am sure he will be ripping through his presents like a mad demon, which I will attempt to take pictures of. Christmas Eve and Christmas, shit I should look at the Calendar. I think I has him those days too, with the Ex getting him the day after and for a week. Which I think isn't that fair, he should get him one of those days as well...will talk to him again about that and see what he says.
Then it's New Years and I have got to think of something, DIFFERENT, to do this New Years. It's new in a lot of different ways and I want to remember it in a good way :)
I will have to ask my girlfriends and see what they have going on.
In other news, I doubt I will be painting this weekend! LOL
I need to get my ass in gear it seems.
Tomorrow night, it's THOR at the movies though = AWESOME
And my hair is starting to grow out! YES! I don't look so lesbian-ish (which is great if I was one, but I'm not and don't want to confuse people) and I need to Henna dye it again before my cruise!
My period is starting to show itself, just a hint of it this morning. No wonder I've been craving chocolate and cookies and sex (sigh, I am really really missing sex right now). It will probably be a couple days before I get a full showing from Aunt Flo (the bitch) but at least it's basically staying on time.
Today, it's raining out and chilly. I love it. I wish I had a fireplace, that would be completely awesome. Maybe the next house. Or I can get a cabana and a fire pit or something. I love that smell of wood burning (safely) and gods, it's been centuries since I've actually MADE s'mores!
So instead I am drinking hot Chai tea, loaded up with sugar and creamer (the only way to drink it in my mind) and happily pretending I care 2 wits about work today.
Though I will say the rain makes my left knee hate me (stupid arthritis). And with my impending period, I'm really wanting to sleep (that is really, of course, a coma induced by chocolate, cookies and sex) and maybe actually read. I haven't read in days. DAYS. There is something seriously wrong with this picture! Last night, it was laundry and phone conversations (after chores and dinner). Both were needed and awesome, but I probably could have gone to sleep a tad bit earlier (love me some Jon Stewart!) and and and maybe I could have snuck in a half hour of reading. I could have!! Hmmm.
Tonight, I'm getting the Xmas totes down and going through those, so no reading tonight either for me. On the way home, I need to swing by the store and drop off some out going mail. And get a bottle of wine (ahem, it helps with the period and it tastes yummy).
Some big holidays are coming up. Thanksgiving, well that night I am flying to FLL to see my BFF and go on a cruise :) YES. No real plans for that day, at least none that involve much more than relaxing and double checking my bags!! The Kid will be with his Dad. One of my BFFs here is going to watch my house and kitties for me, which is awesome :)
Then there is Yule and Xmas. Yule, I have the kid and I am sure he will be ripping through his presents like a mad demon, which I will attempt to take pictures of. Christmas Eve and Christmas, shit I should look at the Calendar. I think I has him those days too, with the Ex getting him the day after and for a week. Which I think isn't that fair, he should get him one of those days as well...will talk to him again about that and see what he says.
Then it's New Years and I have got to think of something, DIFFERENT, to do this New Years. It's new in a lot of different ways and I want to remember it in a good way :)
I will have to ask my girlfriends and see what they have going on.
In other news, I doubt I will be painting this weekend! LOL
I need to get my ass in gear it seems.
Tomorrow night, it's THOR at the movies though = AWESOME
And my hair is starting to grow out! YES! I don't look so lesbian-ish (which is great if I was one, but I'm not and don't want to confuse people) and I need to Henna dye it again before my cruise!
Dental Insurance Annoyances & Hi!!
So, with me going onto my company's dental insurance, the dentist I've been going to for years is not "in-network" but they do take it as out of network. Which, of course, is much more expensive to me. Which means I will be finding a new dentist, which just fucking sucks. Which Which Which, wow, write that work much do I???
The good news, is that the kid's orthodontist is in-network.
But still, HUGE annoyance to me! Because, I really really have liked this dentist and they've done good work! UGH.
So I didn't make it to the movies last Friday night. Just went out to dinner. We went to House of Kobi, which (ahem, that damned word again) was pretty packed. I think I was just sorta peopled out - you know? I just wanted a more quiet place to relax and not dealing with more people and/or crowds.
This Friday, taking the Kid to see Thor in the movie theatre though!! Will have to check out times and which place to take him soon.
I am also pulling down the holiday boxes so they can be split/sorted with the Ex. And the same with the DVD/Blu-ray movies at the house. Good times. Sigh...
Oh and I'm starting to PMS, because life is like that. So. Yes. That.
Other than that stuff though, life is going pretty good. Work is good, the house is always in need of cleaning or laundry doing or something, but that's all normal stuff and good. I'm feeding a stray cat, pushing meds down 2 cats throats twice a day and dealing with angst-y preteen. But honestly? I am just so happy, it's all ok :)
I am soooo looking forward to my cruise! I am getting really excited :) I am pretty sure I have all my clothes, though I should probably check that out and see...and I think I might need more shoes....I don't know. Maybe.
I do know that I am getting waxed on Saturday, Brazilian and under arms (never done those before, which will make it interesting if anything). Then I will see about scheduling another session for my legs right before I leave.
I need a nap. Hmmm, maybe I will see about attempting to go to bed early tonight.
The good news, is that the kid's orthodontist is in-network.
But still, HUGE annoyance to me! Because, I really really have liked this dentist and they've done good work! UGH.
So I didn't make it to the movies last Friday night. Just went out to dinner. We went to House of Kobi, which (ahem, that damned word again) was pretty packed. I think I was just sorta peopled out - you know? I just wanted a more quiet place to relax and not dealing with more people and/or crowds.
This Friday, taking the Kid to see Thor in the movie theatre though!! Will have to check out times and which place to take him soon.
I am also pulling down the holiday boxes so they can be split/sorted with the Ex. And the same with the DVD/Blu-ray movies at the house. Good times. Sigh...
Oh and I'm starting to PMS, because life is like that. So. Yes. That.
Other than that stuff though, life is going pretty good. Work is good, the house is always in need of cleaning or laundry doing or something, but that's all normal stuff and good. I'm feeding a stray cat, pushing meds down 2 cats throats twice a day and dealing with angst-y preteen. But honestly? I am just so happy, it's all ok :)
I am soooo looking forward to my cruise! I am getting really excited :) I am pretty sure I have all my clothes, though I should probably check that out and see...and I think I might need more shoes....I don't know. Maybe.
I do know that I am getting waxed on Saturday, Brazilian and under arms (never done those before, which will make it interesting if anything). Then I will see about scheduling another session for my legs right before I leave.
I need a nap. Hmmm, maybe I will see about attempting to go to bed early tonight.
A little bit of Monday Madness
It was a busy and not busy weekend. I did not paint the office. Perhaps this weekend.
I wrote out my To Do List, and for once, it doesn't seem like it's TOO much. I mean, I can't really remember the last time I felt that way about things that need to be done. I think part of that is I've finally *almost* gotten to the point where I don't worry if something has to wait to get done (ahem, dishes anyone??). Because letting something wait a few hours or a day, it's really not going to end the world. I am not having panic or anxiety as much over them. Still a little bit, like this worry that keeps nagging at me, nagging at me, nagging until I tell it to chill. Sometimes it does and other times it just gets louder.
Saturday, I slept in a little bit. Made eggs, bacon and coffee. And cinnamon rolls. I was feeling in the mood, even without the kid there (which is always, always hard for me). So I probably over did it. I was using a new cast iron skillet for the bacon. Well...I think next time it would be smarter to cut the bacon in half and do it that way, so that ends get more cooked!!
I did a load of laundry. Hmmm...went to the library and dropped off my books that I'm not reading. Then headed over to the new age store across the street. Where a rather large quartz point let me know that I needed to take it home with me. Well, ok then.
Saturday night, hmmm, I am sure there was dinner involved and part of a scary movie that I saved for later and I think the cats tormenting me and sleep.
Sunday, I hung out with a friend and worked on a puzzle and watched a football game. Last night, it was cleaning and getting the dishes done and I had thought about laundry. I did, I thought for several seconds about doing laundry. Then decided Monday night would be better served for that.
Also, the Kid came home with some serious attitude. Bad attitude. Oh the joys of that. Hopefully he will have chilled out a little bit otherwise I'm in for having another talk with him today about that crap.
Now, tonight, before laundry, I have a few things to take back to JC Penny and Kohl's. I will attempt to get the Kid a belt again. I tried the last time we were out shopping and he refused to try any of them on. Very frustrating when his pants are loose on him and he's whining about the belt his Dad got him has too big of a buckle and that it hurts his stomach when he sits. Ugh, Kid - why pick that one out then!!?? I mean...really.
Anyway, so shopping and Pet store and home to do laundry. Exciting night!! I am liking the calmness of it all though. I am really looking forward to winter being here too...
Work is busy. Tomorrow it will be more so. Which is nice and good and I like :)
I wrote out my To Do List, and for once, it doesn't seem like it's TOO much. I mean, I can't really remember the last time I felt that way about things that need to be done. I think part of that is I've finally *almost* gotten to the point where I don't worry if something has to wait to get done (ahem, dishes anyone??). Because letting something wait a few hours or a day, it's really not going to end the world. I am not having panic or anxiety as much over them. Still a little bit, like this worry that keeps nagging at me, nagging at me, nagging until I tell it to chill. Sometimes it does and other times it just gets louder.
Saturday, I slept in a little bit. Made eggs, bacon and coffee. And cinnamon rolls. I was feeling in the mood, even without the kid there (which is always, always hard for me). So I probably over did it. I was using a new cast iron skillet for the bacon. Well...I think next time it would be smarter to cut the bacon in half and do it that way, so that ends get more cooked!!
I did a load of laundry. Hmmm...went to the library and dropped off my books that I'm not reading. Then headed over to the new age store across the street. Where a rather large quartz point let me know that I needed to take it home with me. Well, ok then.
Saturday night, hmmm, I am sure there was dinner involved and part of a scary movie that I saved for later and I think the cats tormenting me and sleep.
Sunday, I hung out with a friend and worked on a puzzle and watched a football game. Last night, it was cleaning and getting the dishes done and I had thought about laundry. I did, I thought for several seconds about doing laundry. Then decided Monday night would be better served for that.
Also, the Kid came home with some serious attitude. Bad attitude. Oh the joys of that. Hopefully he will have chilled out a little bit otherwise I'm in for having another talk with him today about that crap.
Now, tonight, before laundry, I have a few things to take back to JC Penny and Kohl's. I will attempt to get the Kid a belt again. I tried the last time we were out shopping and he refused to try any of them on. Very frustrating when his pants are loose on him and he's whining about the belt his Dad got him has too big of a buckle and that it hurts his stomach when he sits. Ugh, Kid - why pick that one out then!!?? I mean...really.
Anyway, so shopping and Pet store and home to do laundry. Exciting night!! I am liking the calmness of it all though. I am really looking forward to winter being here too...
Work is busy. Tomorrow it will be more so. Which is nice and good and I like :)
House and Home,
negative attitude,
Taylor Swift/Ed Sheeran - Everything Has Changed
Lyrics provided by:
"Everything Has Changed"
(duet with Ed Sheeran)
[Taylor Swift]
All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.
And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles in your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel right
[Taylor Swift]
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
[Ed Sheeran]
And all my walls stood tall painted blue
And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
[Taylor Swift (Album version) / Ed Sheeran (Remix version):]
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
[Album version:] Taking flight, making me feel right
[Remix version:] Taking flight, making me feel right like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
And you'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind.
[Taylor Swift]
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
All I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
[Taylor Swift]
All I know is we said, "Hello."
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
"Everything Has Changed"
(duet with Ed Sheeran)
[Taylor Swift]
All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.
And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles in your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel right
[Taylor Swift]
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
[Ed Sheeran]
And all my walls stood tall painted blue
And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
[Taylor Swift (Album version) / Ed Sheeran (Remix version):]
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
[Album version:] Taking flight, making me feel right
[Remix version:] Taking flight, making me feel right like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
And you'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind.
[Taylor Swift]
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
All I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
[Taylor Swift]
All I know is we said, "Hello."
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Ed Sheeran,
Everything Has Changed,
Taylor Swift
Freaky Friday
Halloween - I had me some trick or treaters! I must say, this is the first year, like EVER, that I have RUN OUT OF CANDY!! And it was only about an hour into it! OMFG. And and and! The kids were nice and polite and their parents were with them and my neighborhood ROCKED it last night!
Whew. It was just awesome. AWESOME!!!
I started watching a movie, but got tired and had to record it. I will finish watching it at some point. Maybe Saturday night. Because - tonight - I has a date :) Going to the movies - and it's been forever since I've done that (let alone at night!!) so I am really excited!!
I do have some errands and things to do this weekend...
I need to take back some of the clothes I got in from JC Penny. One dress I am going to give to one of my bff's though, hoping she can wear it this coming summer. That one was ordered off of Amazon, and I am not shipping anything to China, sorry. Besides, the 2 things I got from China were cheap enough I can either give away or see if I can re-sell on eBay or Amazon or something.
I need to vacuum upstairs, since that's the only thing I haven't done. Oh and then organize my office and FILE THE DAMN PAPERWORK I have sitting out. Ahem. I'm a tad bit annoyed at myself over that.
Take back the books I'm not reading to the library. May as well...
Oh and maybe paint. I don't know...I am feeling pretty tired today. Pret-ty tired. I think I might sleep in on Saturday, make breakfast for lunch and then take a nap. Sounds like a good plan to me!!
So, it seems that my screen on my old phone needs to super damned small screw driver to take the screws out. Annoying. I need to now order that. But! Oh!! The Kid's cell phone has been found! So the Great Cell Search of 2013 was a success :)
Ok, time to go clean up some shelves at work. Good times. Sure....
Whew. It was just awesome. AWESOME!!!
I started watching a movie, but got tired and had to record it. I will finish watching it at some point. Maybe Saturday night. Because - tonight - I has a date :) Going to the movies - and it's been forever since I've done that (let alone at night!!) so I am really excited!!
I do have some errands and things to do this weekend...
I need to take back some of the clothes I got in from JC Penny. One dress I am going to give to one of my bff's though, hoping she can wear it this coming summer. That one was ordered off of Amazon, and I am not shipping anything to China, sorry. Besides, the 2 things I got from China were cheap enough I can either give away or see if I can re-sell on eBay or Amazon or something.
I need to vacuum upstairs, since that's the only thing I haven't done. Oh and then organize my office and FILE THE DAMN PAPERWORK I have sitting out. Ahem. I'm a tad bit annoyed at myself over that.
Take back the books I'm not reading to the library. May as well...
Oh and maybe paint. I don't know...I am feeling pretty tired today. Pret-ty tired. I think I might sleep in on Saturday, make breakfast for lunch and then take a nap. Sounds like a good plan to me!!
So, it seems that my screen on my old phone needs to super damned small screw driver to take the screws out. Annoying. I need to now order that. But! Oh!! The Kid's cell phone has been found! So the Great Cell Search of 2013 was a success :)
Ok, time to go clean up some shelves at work. Good times. Sure....
Great Cell Search of 2013,
House and Home,
Trick or Treat
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
I am somewhat addicted to this song right now. This and one other. Ahem
Here is their video, love it.
Here is their video, love it.
Coffee is Divine
Ok, so I could not exist without coffee, in some form or fashion, in the morning. I just couldn't. It's not ALL about the caffeine, though that really helps. It's about the yummy taste and warmth. The creamy goodness and sometimes (only with Dunkin' Donuts coffee), that sweet sugary taste.
Insurance - it's really a pain in the ass. Right now, trying to figure out which is best for the Kid, mine or the Ex's. It's almost like comparing apples to pears. Similar, but slightly different verbiage and rates and vagueness. The joys - NOT.
I did not get a whole lot done last night. I really really wasn't in the mood. Tonight, however, I will be a cleaning Mama with a mission.
So, the Great Cell Search of 2013 is still in effect. Sometime during the weekend, more than likely at some point on Sunday, the Kid misplaced his phone. He didn't realize it until Monday and since he was off on Monday and Tuesday, I had asked him to look. Now, him "looking" probably wasn't that intense. So last night I helped him, especially since I had thought I heard it dying Monday night as I was going to bed. Well, that fucker isn't in my room. Nor my bathroom. If it's in the office, gods only know if we will find it.
Part of tonights mission, while cleaning the house, is see if we can locate his damned to Hades cell phone.
On the agenda:
I have been slowly, very slowly, starting to read again. Without smoking.
Oh and yeah it's been like 5 weeks, still no wanting/craving/needing of cigarettes. Wow. All I can say is WOW. I mean, damn. Wow.
Insurance - it's really a pain in the ass. Right now, trying to figure out which is best for the Kid, mine or the Ex's. It's almost like comparing apples to pears. Similar, but slightly different verbiage and rates and vagueness. The joys - NOT.
I did not get a whole lot done last night. I really really wasn't in the mood. Tonight, however, I will be a cleaning Mama with a mission.
So, the Great Cell Search of 2013 is still in effect. Sometime during the weekend, more than likely at some point on Sunday, the Kid misplaced his phone. He didn't realize it until Monday and since he was off on Monday and Tuesday, I had asked him to look. Now, him "looking" probably wasn't that intense. So last night I helped him, especially since I had thought I heard it dying Monday night as I was going to bed. Well, that fucker isn't in my room. Nor my bathroom. If it's in the office, gods only know if we will find it.
Part of tonights mission, while cleaning the house, is see if we can locate his damned to Hades cell phone.
On the agenda:
- Sweeping (SHOCK! Who knew!!)
- Vacuum and scrub the rugs
- Vacuum upstairs
- Move things not using from office & hallway to Attic
- Go through the piles of paper in the kitchen, dining room and sort/set on pile to file (damn it, at some point in this life I WILL FILE!!)
- Dishes
- 1 load of laundry
I have been slowly, very slowly, starting to read again. Without smoking.
Oh and yeah it's been like 5 weeks, still no wanting/craving/needing of cigarettes. Wow. All I can say is WOW. I mean, damn. Wow.
Cleaning House,
Great Cell Search of 2013,
Health Insurance,
House and Home,
Quit Smoking
So, I thought I do a quick post on Puck. Here are some more recent pics of him :)
Pucks medicine had to be mixed using this:
EDIT: Removed old pics since they aren't linked anymore.
He's still caterwauling, but it's a lot less, which is sooooo nice. I am still keeping the bathroom door shut until his meds are done and I've sprayed that area like a 1,000 times to get rid of any "odor" he can smell. His weight is good. I think it's just going to have to be a wait and see situation...
Pucks medicine had to be mixed using this:
He's still caterwauling, but it's a lot less, which is sooooo nice. I am still keeping the bathroom door shut until his meds are done and I've sprayed that area like a 1,000 times to get rid of any "odor" he can smell. His weight is good. I think it's just going to have to be a wait and see situation...
Cat Kidney Disease,
Sick Cat
Exhaustive but wonderful Weekend
Can you believe it's already Tuesday??
Friday night was the football game, and I think my ass is still thawing out! I was a chaperon and it wasn't that exciting. But it totally brought back memories of HS Band!! I did take a lot of pictures of the band though. I need to download those and send them to the band director.
We got home kinda late, my brain was friend and the Kids more so.
Saturday, go up late, made pancakes and eggs, cleaned a little bit and then that afternoon was back at the school for the Mummers Parade. Which was a lot of fun and boredom at the same time. Once I dropped him off, I went and parked at the library and just hung out, waiting, for others to show up and the parade to start. Oh and yeah, the Kid ate something like 20 of the pancakes!! Talk about prepping for a long day!
And it was cool watching the parade!
After seeing the Kids band go by, it was time to get something to eat, since I was starving!! So we got Chinese. We were just leaving when the Kid called and said he was back early. We swung by and got him and headed home.
Sunday, the kids slept in late. I mean, it was close to 1 pm by the time the Kid was sorta up. And he said he wasn't hungry, which I think is BS especially considering how much he ate the day before! But damn it, he wanted pumpkin pie it seems. So we head out, go to a corn maze and have a lot of fun :) I take more pictures and we meander our way back home with a couple stops along the way. One being dinner, where he ate literally 3 hamburgers and 1 hotdog. OMG, seriously, that's a growth spurt in the making I think. We also did some grocery shopping on the way home. And it was laundry Sunday and Monday night. And sweeping and dishes and it never, ever, fucking ends! The cleaning!! I like a lot of it to be honest. I just wish it wasn't every single time I turned around!!
In other news: The gas company has been doing construction around my neighborhood and it seems that my house is on their list. So Thursday they will be replacing the pipe line and meter. The guy said it should only take the 1 day. He had a lot of piercings, which was cool. I don't know about replacing gas lines, but as long as everything is safe, and my house isn't destroyed, I'm good with it.
I've been feeding a stray cat. Last night, I think he wanted to come in. Now, I don't mind feeding him, but he's not coming in with his fleas and gods only know what else. Plus, I have my hands full with 4 cats, 2 of whom are sick and 1 will probably end up on a slow downward spiral :( Poor Puck. I've been giving him the antibiotics, which he does not seem to appreciate. And that shit was expensive. Oh, that was another thing I had picked up Saturday morning! See, busy fucking weekend!!
Ok, so stray cat...I put out a towel but I was told that probably won't help, because a 32 degree towel is about the same as 32 degree floor. Good point. So, I will just be washing that and figuring something else out. It was also suggested that a light bulb does put off heat, and that might be a good idea. I like it :) Sometimes even 10 degrees can mean life. Now, if there is some major snow storm or something, I guess I could open the cellar and keep the light on or something. With food and water. I don't know...too much to deal with.
This weekend, I am hoping to paint the office and get a curtain up in that window. I am also seriously considering swapping out the hardware for the curtains in some of the rooms too. I think I will need help with that. I also want to at least see about getting the paint for my room as well. I've sorta decided on a color, if I can match it somehow at Home Depot (I have this beautiful blue moonstone ring, LOVE the blue). I am going to the movies Friday night :) Which is quite exciting!!
Hmmm, I really this this weekend is about getting more of the house done and in order. A good feeling, especially if I can get this accomplished before my vacation. Oh and I think I've gotten everything for the vacation (at least clothes wise) which is a relief.
Ok, time to sign off and go search for the Kids cell phone. Will explain that one later!!
Friday night was the football game, and I think my ass is still thawing out! I was a chaperon and it wasn't that exciting. But it totally brought back memories of HS Band!! I did take a lot of pictures of the band though. I need to download those and send them to the band director.
We got home kinda late, my brain was friend and the Kids more so.
Saturday, go up late, made pancakes and eggs, cleaned a little bit and then that afternoon was back at the school for the Mummers Parade. Which was a lot of fun and boredom at the same time. Once I dropped him off, I went and parked at the library and just hung out, waiting, for others to show up and the parade to start. Oh and yeah, the Kid ate something like 20 of the pancakes!! Talk about prepping for a long day!
And it was cool watching the parade!
After seeing the Kids band go by, it was time to get something to eat, since I was starving!! So we got Chinese. We were just leaving when the Kid called and said he was back early. We swung by and got him and headed home.
Sunday, the kids slept in late. I mean, it was close to 1 pm by the time the Kid was sorta up. And he said he wasn't hungry, which I think is BS especially considering how much he ate the day before! But damn it, he wanted pumpkin pie it seems. So we head out, go to a corn maze and have a lot of fun :) I take more pictures and we meander our way back home with a couple stops along the way. One being dinner, where he ate literally 3 hamburgers and 1 hotdog. OMG, seriously, that's a growth spurt in the making I think. We also did some grocery shopping on the way home. And it was laundry Sunday and Monday night. And sweeping and dishes and it never, ever, fucking ends! The cleaning!! I like a lot of it to be honest. I just wish it wasn't every single time I turned around!!
In other news: The gas company has been doing construction around my neighborhood and it seems that my house is on their list. So Thursday they will be replacing the pipe line and meter. The guy said it should only take the 1 day. He had a lot of piercings, which was cool. I don't know about replacing gas lines, but as long as everything is safe, and my house isn't destroyed, I'm good with it.
I've been feeding a stray cat. Last night, I think he wanted to come in. Now, I don't mind feeding him, but he's not coming in with his fleas and gods only know what else. Plus, I have my hands full with 4 cats, 2 of whom are sick and 1 will probably end up on a slow downward spiral :( Poor Puck. I've been giving him the antibiotics, which he does not seem to appreciate. And that shit was expensive. Oh, that was another thing I had picked up Saturday morning! See, busy fucking weekend!!
Ok, so stray cat...I put out a towel but I was told that probably won't help, because a 32 degree towel is about the same as 32 degree floor. Good point. So, I will just be washing that and figuring something else out. It was also suggested that a light bulb does put off heat, and that might be a good idea. I like it :) Sometimes even 10 degrees can mean life. Now, if there is some major snow storm or something, I guess I could open the cellar and keep the light on or something. With food and water. I don't know...too much to deal with.
This weekend, I am hoping to paint the office and get a curtain up in that window. I am also seriously considering swapping out the hardware for the curtains in some of the rooms too. I think I will need help with that. I also want to at least see about getting the paint for my room as well. I've sorta decided on a color, if I can match it somehow at Home Depot (I have this beautiful blue moonstone ring, LOVE the blue). I am going to the movies Friday night :) Which is quite exciting!!
Hmmm, I really this this weekend is about getting more of the house done and in order. A good feeling, especially if I can get this accomplished before my vacation. Oh and I think I've gotten everything for the vacation (at least clothes wise) which is a relief.
Ok, time to sign off and go search for the Kids cell phone. Will explain that one later!!
Cell Phone,
Football Game,
House and Home,
Marching Band,
Middle School Band,
Mummer's Parade,
Flipping Friday
Today is a busy day. Not just at work either.
The Kid has a football game tonight, the first in his marching band career! Since it will be tonight and todays high is supposed to be 51 degrees, we will be freezing our collective asses off. I so remember those days in HS though. I personally had a lot of fun, minus all the hard work, being in marching band. Anyway, we won't get home until probably about 11 pm. Yikes.
Then tomorrow night, it's almost a rinse and repeat, just a parade and slightly earlier home time. During the day, I will probably be cleaning and organizing a little bit downstairs.
Sunday, we have plans and will probably be out most of the day. I swear, I will sleep at some point!
Update on Puck:
So, I have been calling the Vet every day, trying to get a hold of the Dr and see what is up. Well, I still didn't talk to her, but I did at least speak to someone. Who somewhat relayed what the Dr. said and that she wanted to do a urine culture, which would entail Puck being there all day, them taking the urine directly from his bladder and costing me about $160. I just don't have it. Partly because I know it won't end there. With Vets and animals, it almost never ever does. She did say that his kidneys are borderline and that is possible to step away from the brink. With a special diet, supplements and fluids being pushed (see what I mean about it not ending??). Hello, single mom here who works full time and barely has time to eat anymore. So. I asked what other options there are. She called me back much later and said I could do a general antibiotic and see if that kills anything that MIGHT be growing in his urine (aka bacteria) and that the Dr. will talk me to later at some point about options. One of the things she brought up was just a "wait and see" on how he's doing. And for the last couple of days, he's been ok. He's been sitting next me, he's eating, drinking and everything else. We're keeping the bathroom door shut so he won't pee on the towel/rug in there. And I got this Nature's Miracle to eliminate the urine odor
but the one I got is lavender scented I think. Hopefully it will work and the antibiotics will work. However, the eventuality of it is that he will have be put to sleep once things get worse :_( So. I'm taking lots of pictures of him. I'm keeping the Kid aware of the situation, because that is not a happy surprise.
It's not an ideal situation, but any situation with a sick cat is never good.
In other news, still not reading as much as I was. Not sure if this good, bad or just eh. Maybe at some point this weekend I will read. LOL, gods, that sounds so weird to me - the one who used to read 4 or 5 books in a week. It just seems that my time is better spend elsewhere now...Will see what kind of balance can be reached ;)
Back to the grind
The Kid has a football game tonight, the first in his marching band career! Since it will be tonight and todays high is supposed to be 51 degrees, we will be freezing our collective asses off. I so remember those days in HS though. I personally had a lot of fun, minus all the hard work, being in marching band. Anyway, we won't get home until probably about 11 pm. Yikes.
Then tomorrow night, it's almost a rinse and repeat, just a parade and slightly earlier home time. During the day, I will probably be cleaning and organizing a little bit downstairs.
Sunday, we have plans and will probably be out most of the day. I swear, I will sleep at some point!
Update on Puck:
So, I have been calling the Vet every day, trying to get a hold of the Dr and see what is up. Well, I still didn't talk to her, but I did at least speak to someone. Who somewhat relayed what the Dr. said and that she wanted to do a urine culture, which would entail Puck being there all day, them taking the urine directly from his bladder and costing me about $160. I just don't have it. Partly because I know it won't end there. With Vets and animals, it almost never ever does. She did say that his kidneys are borderline and that is possible to step away from the brink. With a special diet, supplements and fluids being pushed (see what I mean about it not ending??). Hello, single mom here who works full time and barely has time to eat anymore. So. I asked what other options there are. She called me back much later and said I could do a general antibiotic and see if that kills anything that MIGHT be growing in his urine (aka bacteria) and that the Dr. will talk me to later at some point about options. One of the things she brought up was just a "wait and see" on how he's doing. And for the last couple of days, he's been ok. He's been sitting next me, he's eating, drinking and everything else. We're keeping the bathroom door shut so he won't pee on the towel/rug in there. And I got this Nature's Miracle to eliminate the urine odor
It's not an ideal situation, but any situation with a sick cat is never good.
In other news, still not reading as much as I was. Not sure if this good, bad or just eh. Maybe at some point this weekend I will read. LOL, gods, that sounds so weird to me - the one who used to read 4 or 5 books in a week. It just seems that my time is better spend elsewhere now...Will see what kind of balance can be reached ;)
Back to the grind
Happy Thursday - I am starting to LOVE me some Thursdays
OMG - It actually snowed for a blink of an eye here today! Wow! I wonder what this means for this winter. Is this winter supposed to be worse than last year?? I should probably check that out!
So I got in some the stuff I purchased and 2 of 3 items didn't work out. Which is how it is sometimes when ordering stuff online without the ability to see if it fits. I am not too stressed, as the ones that didn't fit were not that expensive.
This one fit:

These did NOT fit:


Now, the cute black dress? Hmmm, if I lose the weight I want to lose, I bet you money I will be able to wear it. Their Large is really a size 10. Right now, I am basically a size 12 in most things and sometimes a 14 depending on the style and whatnot. Some more or some less, you never know. Both of these were made in China and the bodice shipped from China so I am not going to ask for a refund. Too much of a pain in the ass! The bodice, well not sure if I can EVER fit that one, because damn it's made for someone who's idea of Large is a pinky or something. I probably know someone who's a stick figure that I can gift this too. I hope. Will see.
Tonight is Pizza night. Tonight I am going to make rice krispies damn it. Hot sticky yummy goodness, all right there.
I have some laundry to put away and some dishes to do and probably sweep the house again. Never ending sweeping.
I haven't heard from the vet. I've called every day. Ahem. Annoyed is what I am starting to get.
Work is busy as all get out. Plus I am leaving early a lot lately for the Kid's band practice, football game and Monday is his dental appointment. Good times baby!
Oh and Thursday? It's a good day :) That's all I'm saying about it. Really. Really good day.
So I got in some the stuff I purchased and 2 of 3 items didn't work out. Which is how it is sometimes when ordering stuff online without the ability to see if it fits. I am not too stressed, as the ones that didn't fit were not that expensive.
This one fit:
These did NOT fit:
Now, the cute black dress? Hmmm, if I lose the weight I want to lose, I bet you money I will be able to wear it. Their Large is really a size 10. Right now, I am basically a size 12 in most things and sometimes a 14 depending on the style and whatnot. Some more or some less, you never know. Both of these were made in China and the bodice shipped from China so I am not going to ask for a refund. Too much of a pain in the ass! The bodice, well not sure if I can EVER fit that one, because damn it's made for someone who's idea of Large is a pinky or something. I probably know someone who's a stick figure that I can gift this too. I hope. Will see.
Tonight is Pizza night. Tonight I am going to make rice krispies damn it. Hot sticky yummy goodness, all right there.
I have some laundry to put away and some dishes to do and probably sweep the house again. Never ending sweeping.
I haven't heard from the vet. I've called every day. Ahem. Annoyed is what I am starting to get.
Work is busy as all get out. Plus I am leaving early a lot lately for the Kid's band practice, football game and Monday is his dental appointment. Good times baby!
Oh and Thursday? It's a good day :) That's all I'm saying about it. Really. Really good day.
Whacked Wednesday
Hmmm....let's see...
I am still somewhat exhausted and that probably won't change any time in the foreseeable future. Between work, house work, the Kid's band schedule and other life life-y-ness, I am pretty much going to be on my feet and just go - go - going pretty much all this month and half of next. Ok, realistic, into the new year. But whatever!!
But then...then...I have VACATION!!!
I am excited, nervous and sorta ho hum about vacation. I have loved ones I am going to really miss while gone. I'm scared silly about being on the ocean but super excited about visiting other countries.
Good News:
Weight is staying the same. Miracle in some ways, since I've quit smoking I would think I would gain some weight.
Life is good overall, so there is that. Focus on the good things!!
Sorta Bad News:
You know, this week has been a bit of a cluster fuck. And what do I realize? Mercury Retrograde started on Monday. Go fucking figure.
I think that for 2014, I am going to work on that page of my blog and give it some more information.
Bad News:
The kid said his knees were hurting. I had assumed 2 things: 1 - it was from the fall and should be checked out or 2 - he's growing again (have I mentioned he's gotten taller in the last month? Yeah, I should probably measure him). So, I called his Dr. and took him in. Who knew it's been a couple years since his last visit! Anyway, the Dr. said it wasn't the falling down the stairs. Oh nos. He has what is called Osgood-Schlatter disease, which is not so much a disease...
The Dr said it's common, between ages 10-16 and that it usually ends around 16. It's not the end of the world and there isn't much to do for it, other than rest and if need pain meds (advil type). So, his whining now has a name and reason.
Oh and he needs some vaccinations. Got those scheduled for November. Good times for him!!
More Bad News:
Puck, my poor kitty Puck, is having issues. Spoke to the Vet and she said that his kidney's are not doing so hot. His urine is not concentrated, this means his kidney's aren't working like they should. And honestly, when the kidney's are going - it's just a matter of time before his organs start shutting down. I have read that a lot of people can push the fluids for their cats, basically bypassing the kidney functions...and that it can extend the kitty's life months to another 1-2 years. For me, it comes into a situation that's 3-fold. 1. I don't have the time (sad, I know) 2. I don't have the money (also sad, I know) and 3. I - personally - don't think the quality of life would be all that. He's 12 years old, old but not that old. Also, from what I've read, when a cat starts showing symptoms, that means 70-75% of the kidney's are gone. And yes, some people are really good at devoting all their time to their sick cat. I really wish I could. But the fact is, even if I did - I am only prolonging his life for months and maybe a year or 2. Is that really fair to him? I don't know. It's a really tough question. I've been thinking about this for days now and I am still not sure what the answer is. For me, if this was me, and I didn't have kids or anything - just companions and all I did was sleep a lot - I think I'd rather just go...but that's me. And he is a big part of our family, part of our dynamic. I can only imagine how Diego and Tiamet are going to react. Daisy, she's going to miss him, but probably not as much as Tiamet (his sister) or Diego will. Not to mention, we got Puck and Tiamet just after the Kid was born. He's had them his whole life. When I talked to him about the situation, he said that we should let Puck be put down, that he doesn't want him to suffer for anything. Oh my gods, my kid. He loves Puck as much as I do. He loves all our cats. It's just hard. It's part of life and I wish things were easier. I wish he wasn't sick and that he didn't have to go through this. It makes me wonder if I should see about changing the cats diet again, add in more protein and see if I can at least make sure the kitten and Diego (hopefully Diego) don't get this. Diego, dude is fat. No idea what to do with him sometimes. I don't know. Maybe I will research a raw diet for them and just get away completely from processed food (though I will keep a small amount for bad weather situations...) I don't know. It just seems, this is all fucked up. Inside house hold cats should NOT have the type of health issues they are getting, if their food was healthy. I know I switched mine in the last few years to the much higher grade of food, but damn. Too little too late???
It's hard thinking about it. And Tiamet, her thyroid - I haven't been the best kitty mommy about giving her her meds (between the divorce, the house and everything, it's just been rough) and the Dr said it's not under control. Ugh.
I need more time in the day, more energy or a clone of myself or perhaps part myself and part robot who doesn't need to sleep or take breaks. And a handy man. And a massager. And someone who will keep me warm at night. And maybe a chef. You get the idea. LOL.
I am still somewhat exhausted and that probably won't change any time in the foreseeable future. Between work, house work, the Kid's band schedule and other life life-y-ness, I am pretty much going to be on my feet and just go - go - going pretty much all this month and half of next. Ok, realistic, into the new year. But whatever!!
But then...then...I have VACATION!!!
I am excited, nervous and sorta ho hum about vacation. I have loved ones I am going to really miss while gone. I'm scared silly about being on the ocean but super excited about visiting other countries.
Good News:
Weight is staying the same. Miracle in some ways, since I've quit smoking I would think I would gain some weight.
Life is good overall, so there is that. Focus on the good things!!
Sorta Bad News:
You know, this week has been a bit of a cluster fuck. And what do I realize? Mercury Retrograde started on Monday. Go fucking figure.
I think that for 2014, I am going to work on that page of my blog and give it some more information.
Bad News:
The kid said his knees were hurting. I had assumed 2 things: 1 - it was from the fall and should be checked out or 2 - he's growing again (have I mentioned he's gotten taller in the last month? Yeah, I should probably measure him). So, I called his Dr. and took him in. Who knew it's been a couple years since his last visit! Anyway, the Dr. said it wasn't the falling down the stairs. Oh nos. He has what is called Osgood-Schlatter disease, which is not so much a disease...
The Dr said it's common, between ages 10-16 and that it usually ends around 16. It's not the end of the world and there isn't much to do for it, other than rest and if need pain meds (advil type). So, his whining now has a name and reason.
Oh and he needs some vaccinations. Got those scheduled for November. Good times for him!!
More Bad News:
Puck, my poor kitty Puck, is having issues. Spoke to the Vet and she said that his kidney's are not doing so hot. His urine is not concentrated, this means his kidney's aren't working like they should. And honestly, when the kidney's are going - it's just a matter of time before his organs start shutting down. I have read that a lot of people can push the fluids for their cats, basically bypassing the kidney functions...and that it can extend the kitty's life months to another 1-2 years. For me, it comes into a situation that's 3-fold. 1. I don't have the time (sad, I know) 2. I don't have the money (also sad, I know) and 3. I - personally - don't think the quality of life would be all that. He's 12 years old, old but not that old. Also, from what I've read, when a cat starts showing symptoms, that means 70-75% of the kidney's are gone. And yes, some people are really good at devoting all their time to their sick cat. I really wish I could. But the fact is, even if I did - I am only prolonging his life for months and maybe a year or 2. Is that really fair to him? I don't know. It's a really tough question. I've been thinking about this for days now and I am still not sure what the answer is. For me, if this was me, and I didn't have kids or anything - just companions and all I did was sleep a lot - I think I'd rather just go...but that's me. And he is a big part of our family, part of our dynamic. I can only imagine how Diego and Tiamet are going to react. Daisy, she's going to miss him, but probably not as much as Tiamet (his sister) or Diego will. Not to mention, we got Puck and Tiamet just after the Kid was born. He's had them his whole life. When I talked to him about the situation, he said that we should let Puck be put down, that he doesn't want him to suffer for anything. Oh my gods, my kid. He loves Puck as much as I do. He loves all our cats. It's just hard. It's part of life and I wish things were easier. I wish he wasn't sick and that he didn't have to go through this. It makes me wonder if I should see about changing the cats diet again, add in more protein and see if I can at least make sure the kitten and Diego (hopefully Diego) don't get this. Diego, dude is fat. No idea what to do with him sometimes. I don't know. Maybe I will research a raw diet for them and just get away completely from processed food (though I will keep a small amount for bad weather situations...) I don't know. It just seems, this is all fucked up. Inside house hold cats should NOT have the type of health issues they are getting, if their food was healthy. I know I switched mine in the last few years to the much higher grade of food, but damn. Too little too late???
It's hard thinking about it. And Tiamet, her thyroid - I haven't been the best kitty mommy about giving her her meds (between the divorce, the house and everything, it's just been rough) and the Dr said it's not under control. Ugh.
I need more time in the day, more energy or a clone of myself or perhaps part myself and part robot who doesn't need to sleep or take breaks. And a handy man. And a massager. And someone who will keep me warm at night. And maybe a chef. You get the idea. LOL.
Just a quickie - for right now
Work yesterday kicked my fat ass that's for sure. We had office movers and installers in to move/set up shelves and move these pallets/racks/shelves/anything heavy into a new warehouse that will probably be a good portion where I spend my days moving forward.
I barely sat down, completely missed lunch and talked myself hoarse. Good times! But the shit got done, and that's all that matters :)
However, here's some life/death that was going on.
This poor toad. It seems it was getting too cold for the little guy. He's barely alive in this picture...
Here we have a mouse in the house at work. I tried to get a picture of him but all I seem to get was the nest he's made himself.
I barely sat down, completely missed lunch and talked myself hoarse. Good times! But the shit got done, and that's all that matters :)
However, here's some life/death that was going on.
This poor toad. It seems it was getting too cold for the little guy. He's barely alive in this picture...
Here we have a mouse in the house at work. I tried to get a picture of him but all I seem to get was the nest he's made himself.
EDIT: Removed broken pics/links
Monday Madness = Body Sore and multiple various things
Friday night was sorta rough. I attempted to move the kids room into an ordered chaos (ie, everything away from the walls with enough room to paint them) and also attempted to put painters tape around things like windows or doors. Yeah, that was somewhat successful. All the while half way drunk on JD Honey Whiskey (yum!) because it was Friday night and damn it, I wanted a drink.
Saturday, I got up late Saturday morning (see JD Honey Whiskey above), did the cat litter, dishes and took a shower. Then, prepped for painting. Got my music going and got to work. It was about 1 pm when I finally get cracking.
Ceiling was first. I'm surprised I don't have a kink in my neck from looking up. I just did 1 coat on the ceiling, since it's a dark color.
This first picture shows you the ceiling grey with the old blue walls (bright blue, that is). There was still good natural light coming in at this point. The paint is still sorta wet though in this shot.
That took about 1.5 hours. I stopped for a brief lunch, standing - because I had paint on my clothes and didn't want to sit on anything - and had a short phone conversation and then it was back to work.
By the time I was done with the walls, it was dark out - which is why this picture isn't as bright. I ended up having to do 2 coats on the walls, since that color is a nice light grey - the bright blue was showing through making them look dirty. So, another short break to drink something and shove some kind of edible food into my mouth, then the 2nd coat was applied. I will say that on the last 3 little walls (I really really didn't want to finish Saturday, but I did! I have plans for Sunday and didn't want to change those) I just make it a thicker 1 coat - mainly because 1: I was running out of paint and 2: I was fucking tired. FUCKING TIRED.
It's not perfect, but it doesn't NEED to be. It will eventually get painted again - AND - if the kid/I want, I have enough paint for some (read: very very minor ones) touch ups.
I had to move furniture, more than once. I did a lot of stairs, bending, on my tippy toes for a good portion and crouching down to get the bottom of the walls.
At the end, I texted the picture to the kid, took another shower, attempted to get what paint out of things that I could, and plopped myself down on my couch. I was too tired to cook and too tired to actually put on more than panties and a tee-shirt to answer the door if I had bothered to order food in. It was close to 8 pm when the room was done and before I started the clean up process. It was about 9 pm when I sat down. It was about 10:30 pm when I finally said fuck it and took my tired ass up the stairs. Only to have to come down (and yes, back up) them 3 times after that because the fucking caterwauling cat Puck would not shut the hell up. I finally gave up and slept on the couch. It was past 3 am at this point. Seriously.
Sunday, I was up at 8:52 am. Hello sunshine, bite me. Fed the cats, did the dishes, the cat litter and made myself 2 eggs. And coffee. Coffee is my bestest of best friends. Coffee Rules.
Then I took a shower and got ready. Then realized I had more time than I thought, and cleaned some more, ie: sweeping - that never ending bitch that drives me. I hope I am burning calories with this shit. Organized some of CD's (read: moved them to the media case and shoved them into a slot) and did some of my finances. Stupid medical bills - they SUCK.
Anyways, then I was out all afternoon and early evening. I'm about 10 minutes from the house when my Kid calls me and tells me he took a dive down the stairs. It seems that they didn't like him or his socks for some reason and tossed him down. He was not happy. I was not happy. He's fine, nothing broken, bleeding or bruised (that I could see). His pads of his feet hurt but that calmed down as the night wore on. I'm hoping it's a growth spurt and not my clutz genetics at work here. This morning, he was 100% normal. Heart Attack for Mom - 1.
Busy ass weekend. Wonderful and awesome in many many ways. Accidental stair case maneuvers, notwithstanding.
Today, however. My body fucking ACHES. My knees - OH MY FUCKING GODS my knees HATE me and want me to keel over and die! Thankfully my arm that was hurting so bad Saturday night is movable again. But my hips and knees? They hate my sorry ass! I have been taking advil or aleve since Saturday night and they just scream bloody murder at me. And what do I do? Ignore it. Granted, today it seems to be worse. Today, it feels like someone is driving needles under my knee caps. That's a joyous feeling let me tell you.
I need to start doing yoga again. Seriously. Because this shit is NOT cool. Not cool AT ALL.
So, I am going to go walk around this lovely new storage building and figure out racks and shit and pretend that pain is my friend. A really unwanted, annoying friend - but there you go.
Saturday, I got up late Saturday morning (see JD Honey Whiskey above), did the cat litter, dishes and took a shower. Then, prepped for painting. Got my music going and got to work. It was about 1 pm when I finally get cracking.
Ceiling was first. I'm surprised I don't have a kink in my neck from looking up. I just did 1 coat on the ceiling, since it's a dark color.
That took about 1.5 hours. I stopped for a brief lunch, standing - because I had paint on my clothes and didn't want to sit on anything - and had a short phone conversation and then it was back to work.
EDIT: Removed broken pics/links
By the time I was done with the walls, it was dark out - which is why this picture isn't as bright. I ended up having to do 2 coats on the walls, since that color is a nice light grey - the bright blue was showing through making them look dirty. So, another short break to drink something and shove some kind of edible food into my mouth, then the 2nd coat was applied. I will say that on the last 3 little walls (I really really didn't want to finish Saturday, but I did! I have plans for Sunday and didn't want to change those) I just make it a thicker 1 coat - mainly because 1: I was running out of paint and 2: I was fucking tired. FUCKING TIRED.
It's not perfect, but it doesn't NEED to be. It will eventually get painted again - AND - if the kid/I want, I have enough paint for some (read: very very minor ones) touch ups.
I had to move furniture, more than once. I did a lot of stairs, bending, on my tippy toes for a good portion and crouching down to get the bottom of the walls.
At the end, I texted the picture to the kid, took another shower, attempted to get what paint out of things that I could, and plopped myself down on my couch. I was too tired to cook and too tired to actually put on more than panties and a tee-shirt to answer the door if I had bothered to order food in. It was close to 8 pm when the room was done and before I started the clean up process. It was about 9 pm when I sat down. It was about 10:30 pm when I finally said fuck it and took my tired ass up the stairs. Only to have to come down (and yes, back up) them 3 times after that because the fucking caterwauling cat Puck would not shut the hell up. I finally gave up and slept on the couch. It was past 3 am at this point. Seriously.
Sunday, I was up at 8:52 am. Hello sunshine, bite me. Fed the cats, did the dishes, the cat litter and made myself 2 eggs. And coffee. Coffee is my bestest of best friends. Coffee Rules.
Then I took a shower and got ready. Then realized I had more time than I thought, and cleaned some more, ie: sweeping - that never ending bitch that drives me. I hope I am burning calories with this shit. Organized some of CD's (read: moved them to the media case and shoved them into a slot) and did some of my finances. Stupid medical bills - they SUCK.
Anyways, then I was out all afternoon and early evening. I'm about 10 minutes from the house when my Kid calls me and tells me he took a dive down the stairs. It seems that they didn't like him or his socks for some reason and tossed him down. He was not happy. I was not happy. He's fine, nothing broken, bleeding or bruised (that I could see). His pads of his feet hurt but that calmed down as the night wore on. I'm hoping it's a growth spurt and not my clutz genetics at work here. This morning, he was 100% normal. Heart Attack for Mom - 1.
Busy ass weekend. Wonderful and awesome in many many ways. Accidental stair case maneuvers, notwithstanding.
Today, however. My body fucking ACHES. My knees - OH MY FUCKING GODS my knees HATE me and want me to keel over and die! Thankfully my arm that was hurting so bad Saturday night is movable again. But my hips and knees? They hate my sorry ass! I have been taking advil or aleve since Saturday night and they just scream bloody murder at me. And what do I do? Ignore it. Granted, today it seems to be worse. Today, it feels like someone is driving needles under my knee caps. That's a joyous feeling let me tell you.
I need to start doing yoga again. Seriously. Because this shit is NOT cool. Not cool AT ALL.
So, I am going to go walk around this lovely new storage building and figure out racks and shit and pretend that pain is my friend. A really unwanted, annoying friend - but there you go.
Cleaning House,
Kid's Room,
Cruise Clothes
I already have:
Here are some of what I've purchased:

What I need?? Ha
I want sun, beaches, yummy drinks and good conversation with my BFF. And maybe some cool excursions as well :)
- 1 Formal Evening Gown (it's sparkly, green and makes me look hot - or so I've been told)
- 1 Formal Pink Dress for one of our events
- 1 Summery type dress I can wear to one of the islands
- 2 Bikini tops and 1 shorts to go with either
- Jeans (will I even need a pair?)
Here are some of what I've purchased:
What I need?? Ha
- Shorts (in my new size) which means I might see if Old Navy has anything.
- Shirts - I have some, but most are for work. Who wants to wear work clothes on a cruise? I have others, but those are more for dates. And the ones I wear on the weekends? Are starting to get a little worn out.
- New sandals? New walking shoes
- I can't think of anything else, because it's only a week and it shouldn't be that crazy. It seems the most I need are clothes for dinner (since you can't wear shorts and whatnot after 5:30 or something like that...thus these dresses).
I want sun, beaches, yummy drinks and good conversation with my BFF. And maybe some cool excursions as well :)
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