
Think Happy Thoughts !!

It's Thursday, this week is almost over and everything is back to normal at work.

New Years Eve? Sucked.
New Years Day? Sucked.
New Years Night? Awesome!

That's it in a nutshell. I've come to realize my Kid hates holidays and makes them unhappy things to happen. Suffice it to say, that is something we will be working on this year. I've asked him to think of ONE good thing that happens, each day, for us to talk about. It's a good thing to learn how to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. Not to mention it can help avoid hurt feelings...

I have finished off my finances for 2013 and started getting my 2014 working. Fun times.

Tonight, I am going to clear off the dining room table, use it for an actual DINNER and then put the puzzle I'm working on the half that won't be used for meals.

Back to drinking more water again. Yeah! I've felt so dehydrated lately and it's not a nice feeling. This means I am back to pee'ing a gazillion times a day too though...I've also started jumping rope - when it's not raining or snowing outside. It's kicked my ass now several times, but hey, since I can't do my walks at work without freezing my tits off, it's a nice substitute! I will be starting the Tai Chi DVD next week :) Also taking Inositol again. Will see what other supplements I'm going to bring into the mix (well, besides an overall vitamin) in the coming weeks.

Wearing my old size 12's today. I need a belt with these (not the new ones, those are still tight). I've ordered some new bras and hope they come in soon.  It's weird buying bras more regularly - that might sound strange, but in the past I just didn't wear them out so much - but maybe it's because these are actually cute and lacy and whatnot. I don't know, not really sure I care other than I might need to adjust my budget for more regular purchases! I'm not arguing that's all :D

Also: it's snowing right now. Big Fat White Snowflakes.

And I have to go to the store tonight, which will be fun :) I should probably invest in a pair of boots for cold weather. Hmmmm. I think I need to make sure to get hot chocolate, hot cider and stuff to make s'mores :)

In other news...hmmm...we has plans for this weekend :) LOL Cats are in my head it seems!

I am getting my legs waxed in anticipation :)

Anyways, I am gonna go stare at the pretty pretty snow falling outside!

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