
Incredible Weekend And Wow-ness and Yikes

Ok, so Saturday at the Renaissance Festival = Incredible.

We got to see soooo much. I really wish we had a 2nd day to go!! So much to look at it and take in! It was overwhelming!! Plus, I got to hear one of my favorite groups live = WOW. It was only a 30 minute show, but it was awesomeness to the Nth degree. I got their new CD as well (and no I didn't get it signed, I didn't want stand in line again and it's not that important to me, the music is). The kids had tons of fun. I think we should have left an hour earlier, they were all exhausted and a little bit cranky by the time we got to the car. It was still amazingly awesome though! I was at first thinking of looking for a new dress/skirts and bodice, but honestly, I just had way too much fun looking at everything!! Next time :) I ate a ton of food, my favorite being this apple/ice cream dessert that was way yummy. The Italian sausage was good too though. The Brat got a turkey leg - now this thing had some kind of bladder full of grease, because it looked like it was pissing the whole time he ate it. Very very funny. He was only a little bit of a brat while there. Much better than he was a few years back. He got a tail, which he loves. Lots of stones, a necklace and I don't remember what else.

I got an awesome little statue and another pot of this yummy smelling body oil/solid. Yay!!

If definitely made me want to schedule any trips I take to Florida or Southern California in the future, to coordinate the times with the local Renaissance Fairs. Or maybe see what other fairs are local, or at least within driving distance. That might be a neat thing to do for road trips in the future. Will see!

I got my hair cut yesterday. Ummm, suffice it to say I will be wearing a hat until it grows out some. I look like a butch lesbian, which isn't a bad thing I guess, if I was one. But I'm not. So....yes, hats will be my style for the next little while. I might go ahead and Henna dye it in the mean time. Not sure if that will help or make it worse though. Gods, it's almost funny if you think about it.

Went to my cousins, promptly tripped and re-injured my ankle/foot. See, it takes talent to do that. I think my ankle got weakened from all the walking on Saturday. We won't blame it on my overall clutz like abilities. We hung and talked for a little while, then I limped my way to my car and headed home.

Home, well, got there and had just a shit load of things to do and my brain sorta shut down on me. Suffice it to say I did get one load of laundry done and that was about it. I did keep off my ankle, so that's good at least. Hopefully tonight I can get my office done (that is going to be my focus at least) and just pray that I get it organized so that I don't want to scream at it.

Tonight, I have to go to PetsMart, so maybe I will swing by and get some stuff at home depot as well. More insect killer, that's for sure. More of those evil spiders appeared. These lovely fuckers are now dead - and I really really REALLY don't want anymore of them. I had found another one in the house, hiding on a door handle that goes out the side to where I have the trash. Yikes! I freaked! Killed that one with roach spray. And hey, I didn't even scream!! And I won't mention that one the hung down at eye level as we were trying to leave the house on Friday. OMG, that one freaked me out more...right at eye level. Not what I wanted to see!! Here is one picture of the spider, I have another but it's not wanting to load up for some reason. Will try again later.

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